He Breaks His Leg

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-you were in the other room and he was in the bedroom
-you heard a 'thud' and ran into the bedroom
-"are you ok? What were you doing!?"
-"um...jumping on the bed"
-"come on, we're going to the hospital"
-"no,no,no, I'm fine"
-"you're not changing my mind. Let's go"
-his leg was broken and had to wear a cast for a few weeks
-no more jumping on the bed for finnie

-you noticed when he was limping
-"hey Wy, what's wrong with your leg"
-"oh nothing. It just hurts a little bit"
-"what did you do"
-"nothing, just fell while I was playing basketball"
-"lets go to the hospital just to make sure"
-"no, I promise I'm fine"
-"no, lets go"
-was very disappointed when he found out he broke it

Hey nuggets
I didn't have many ideas for this one so sorry I only did two
Have a nice day! Even if you feel like shit, do something...anything

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