Someone Sees Your Chat

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(While your sexting)
-It was Noah
-After you and Finn finished your...session, he went to help Caleb with something and you kept texting him after
-Noah got curious and checked his phone
-Finn is smart, but not smart enough to have a lock on his phone
-Finn came back into the room and saw his phone in Noah's hands
-"DUDE! What The Fuck Are You Doing With My Phone!"
-he snatched it out of his hands
-"what are you doing texting Y/n that!"
-"I'm a guy. I get horny, ok!"

-it was Finn
-Finn knows his password and asked him to check his messages his mom sent him
-your name popped up and he tapped on the message
-the message said 'wyd?' but he scrolled to the top and saw your earlier messages
-Jaeden came back into the room
-"bro, I didn't know you were packin"
-he grabbed his phone out of his hands after he realized what he was talking about
-"D-Did you see Y/n naked!"
-"well, just one photo. I didn't look though"
-"you're not aloud to look through my phone anymore. I'm changing my password"
-"dude, I didn't look. I promise"

-it was Jaeden
-Jack's password is 1234....🤦‍♀️
-Jack came back into the room and saw his phone in Jaeden's hand
-"Why are you looking in my phone!"
-"wow, I always thought you were a virgin"
-"wtf dude...of course I'm not"

-it was his brother
-he saw that 'mom' texted him so he opened it
-he opened the messages and saw your name
-at that point you and Wyatt didn't announce that you were dating yet
-"what, what"
-"why the fuck did you send Y/n a nude!"
-" w-we're, um....kinda, dating now"
-" Your angle is terrible by the way"

Hellooo nuggets!
I'm in class and hoping that no one is looking at my phone
If they saw...well, that would be there fault
Anyways...I'm on my last day of my period so that's good
Have a great day...if you want to
Remember to drink water and I dare you to complement one person today to tomorrow

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