Pregnancy Scare

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-your period was late 2 weeks
-" period is late"
-"by how much?"
-"2 weeks"
-"oh...d-do you think you need to take a test"
-you took the test and it came out negative
-you always wanted kids but right now was too early

-your period was late 1 week and you recently....tried something new and didn't wear a condom
-"ya, what's up"
-"do you remember last week when you....didn't wear a condom"
-"m-my period is late"
-"oh shit"
-"do you think you're pregnant?"
-"I don't know"
-you took a test and came back negative

-your period is always late but you took a test to make sure
-he found it in the trash
-"hey y/n"
-"I found your test in the trash. It's negative but...I'm just making sure"
-"my period was late 2 weeks. I just got scared"
-"wanna have sex"

-it was late an entire fucking month
-"what, what. What's wrong"
-"my period is late a month"
-"ok....I'm not a woman but last time I checked that's not normal"
-"s-should I go to the doctors?"
-you went and you weren't pregnant. It was just because of your new birth control

Helllllooooooo my nuggets
I haven't been updating
I'm so sorry
I'm trying to update more
Love you all so much. Thank you for stayin pacient

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