Them Seeing You In a Bikini

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-over protective
-"what are you wearing"
-"bathing suit?"
-glares at anyone who looks at you
-"stop staring at my girlfriend's boobs you perv!"
-"Finn, stop. He wasn't even looking at me"
-"ya, that's what he wants you to think"
-when you were walking back to your car he put his hoodie around your waist and hugged you the whole way there, covering your chest

-you could practically see the heart emojis in his eyes
-"you look beautiful"
-"thanks Jae"
-but once he catches a guy looking at you he turns into over protective Jaeden
-one guy started to flirt with you and Jaeden would've punched him if you didn't pull him away

-you sat next to him "do you like it?"
-"I love it on you, but I think it would look better on our bedroom floor"
-"we've only been here 5 minutes and you're already horny"
-"I can't help it when I have the hottest girlfriend ever"

-Is in awe while watching you
-but he follows you around wherever you go
-"Wyatt, this is the woman's restroom"
-"ok, I'll stand right here until you get out"
-"no Wyatt. I'm fine. Go and I'll be back in a minute"
-when you opened the door he was standing behind it waiting for you
-"I just wanted to make sure you were ok"
-"I'm great; lets go back now"

Hello nuggets!
I am currently hiding from my cousins in a very small closet rn
Thank god I don't get claustrophobic
I hope you have a fantastic day/night
Remember to drink water and do...something today

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