When You Can't Sleep

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-you wake him up
-"finnnn, I can't sleep"
-"so, just get tired again"
-"that's not how it works"
-he lays back down but you keep annoying him
-he ends up sleeping on the couch to get away from you

-"Jae Jae, I can't sleep"
-" Poor baby. Come here"
-wraps his arms around you and rubs you head

-you get out of bed
-"bbaaabbbeeee, get back here"
-"I can't sleep. I'm going to get some warm milk"
-"I can give you some warm milk"
-"seriously jack"
-"come back here"
-"no. I'll be back in a minute"
-you come back
-he's snoring louder than a bear

-you keep tossing and turning
-"stop moving, it's annoying"
-"sorry, I can't sleep"
-"just get comfortable"
-"I can't I'm not tired"
-"wanna have sex"
-"what, you said you weren't tired"
-let's just say you were very tired after that

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