You wearing their underwear

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-you were doing laundry and wanted to try them on
-they ended up being really comfortable and you didn't want to take them off
-he came home and saw you wearing them
-"hey honey, how- what are you wearing"
-"sorry. They're really comfortable"
-"that's ok baby. They look good on you"

-you were cleaning your room and found them
-hopefully they were clean because you were not taking them off anytime soon
-"hey baby, I have to go to work now"
-he looks at you up and down
-"what ya wearin"
-"sorry, I found them in my room"
-"it's ok" He kisses your forehead "keep them"

-you were making dinner when he came home
-you felt a hand come in contact with your ass
-"hey, welcome home"
-"hey, nice underwear"
-"it's ok, they look cute on you. But I think they would look better on the floor"

-he was taking a shower and you were going to the bathroom. You took them off of his pile of clothes
-he got out of the shower and was looking around
-"hey baby, have you seen my underwear. I swear I got a new pair- ....Whatcha wearin"
-"it's ok. They look better on you"
-"uh Wyatt, are you going to put on some underwear"
-"I'll just go commando today"

Helluuu my nuggets
I have nothing to say...

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