Asking them to buy you pads/tampons

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-he was scared that he would get the wrong kind so you faced timed him

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-he was scared that he would get the wrong kind so you faced timed him

-you were in the store with him in line
-you forgot to get tampons and you're period was starting tomorrow
-"Jae Jae"
-"can you stay in line. I need to go get something"
-"but I hate staying in line by myself. Can i go get what you need"
-"i need tampons"
-"oh" he's really shy and doesn't like checking out by himself (awe)
-"we can get in another line if you want"
-"no, no. That's ok. I can go get them. Send me a picture of what they look like"
-he comes back with tampons and chocolate <3

-"jack, can you go to the store"
-"i need tampons"
-"go get them yourself"
-"but i have cramps and i don't feel like getting up"
-he acts grumpy but brings you back chocolate and donuts



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