Watching Horror Movies Together

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-"why are you scared"
-"he just ripped his head off, wtf is wrong with you"
-denies it when you confront him when he's scared
-gives in and snuggles you

-screams like a girl
-"why are we watching this!"
-"Jaeden, calm down"
-keep his head in your shoulder at all times

-"IT is was better"
-"okay, can we just watch the frickin movie"
-starts crying
-"what's wrong Jackie"
-"they just killed the frog, he deserved to live"

-"pffft, you can clearly see the plastic in that. It doesn't even look realistic"
-"can you just watch the movie without talking"
-keep his hand in your thigh the whole movie
-squeezes it when he's scared
-"ouch. You're burying you nails in my skin"

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