When you find their porn

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-you were going to watch netflix together on his computer
-he opened it and you both saw what it was open to
-he closed it so fucking fast
-poor baby. He turned into a tomato
-you rubbed his back "baby it's okay. You just need to learn how to close your tabs"
-"I-I'm sorry"

-you went through his search history and saw porn hub, porn hub, porn hub, porn hub
-you turned his computer around so he could see
-"did you have a nice time with your computer last night"
-"oh shit"
-he snatched it out of your hands

-he was working and you decided to watch Netflix on his computer
-when you opened it he didn't ex out of the tab and you saw it
-you sent a picture to him

You:Did you miss me last night

Jack: Oh shit! You weren't supposed to see that

-you were watching a movie together and he was on his computer
-all of a sudden his computer screen connected to the TV and you saw what he was watching
-"what? OH!"
-he closed his screen and didn't talk to you for the rest of the night
-In bed he turned away from you but you spooned him
-"baby, it's okay. I'm not mad"
-"you sure"
-"yes. I love you no matter what"
-he turns around
-"I love you too. I'm sorry"

Hellooooo, I have nothing to say.


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