When They fall Asleep On You

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-You were watching a movie with him
-he fell asleep on top of you
-you run your fingers through his hair
-you try to carry him to his bed room but drop his half way down the hall
-"sorry, sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to do that"
-"what were you trying to do!"
-"carry you to your bed. You fell asleep on me"
-"oh, thanks. I can walk though"
-"that might be better"

-his head was on your lap
-"that was a great movie"
-he starts to snore
-you laugh

-she falls asleep on your shoulder
-you carry her bridal style to her bed
-you kiss her on the forehead and lay a blanket on her

-he's on you like a blanket
-you poke his back to wake him up because you can't breathe

Heluuuu nuggets
Don't love this one but a fun thing to write

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