Someone Else Grabs Your Ass

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-It was Wyatt
-"dude, what the fuck!" He pulls you into his arms
-"you just grabbed her ass"
-"so? You do it"
-"ya, because I'm her boyfriend"
-Finn holds him by the collar and pushes him against a wall
-"don't ever do that again, you hear me"
-"now apologize to Y/n and walk away"
-he lets go of him "sorry Y/n"
-he walks away

-It was a random person
-he is usually shy in public but not this time
-after he did it he grabbed the guy's wrists and pushed him against the wall
-you were very shocked
-"why are you touching my girlfriend's butt!"
-"I-I don't-"
-"well let me tell you something. She has a boyfriend and she doesn't want you touching her like that! So what you are going to do is apologize and go back to hanging out with your friends, got it?!"
-"o-ok. Let me go"
-he lets him go and he stumbles to the ground
-he walks over to you and says sorry then continues walking with his friends

-you were walking through a park when a random guy grabbed your ass
-she let go of your hand, turned around and punched him
-he fell onto the ground and held his nose while you stood there shocked
-"what the fuck dude! Nobody touches my girlfriend's ass expect me!"
-"shut up redhead!" He said still holding his nose
-she kicked him in the balls as he groaned in pain. Then she put her arm around you and kept walking
-another win for the lesbians

-It was Finn
-Wyatt wasn't in the room when it happened
-you know Wyatt can be very overprotective so you were scared of what he would do
-you weren't going to tell him
-Wyatt was actually just coming out of the bathroom and saw it just as he did it
-he ran up and punched him then held you
-"are you ok?"
-"has he ever done that to you before"
-he turns around to Finn who was on the floor
-"you mother fucker!"
-he kicks him
-you try to pull Wyatt away from him so he doesn't hurt him more
-"Wyatt, he's had enough"
-"no he hasn't. He's a dick and deserves it!"
-you pulled him away from him and went home

Helllllloooooo nuggets
Hope you're having a great day
433 words
Do you like that I added Sadie?
Any suggestions?
Well, good night/morning/afternoon
Remember to drink water and don't stay up all night :)

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