You accidentally kick him there

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-it wasn't your fault. He was trying to sneak up on you at 3am
-he tickled you and you kneed him
-"oh my god, I'm so sorry"
-"it's ok...I'm just going to stay here for a little bit"

-you were playing just dance
-you didn't know he was behind you and you swung your leg back and hit him
-you saw that he was missing a bunch of moves and you turned around
-he was laying on the ground holding his crotch
-"baby, what happened?"
-"you kicked me"
-"what you need ice"
-"no I'm good. I'm just going to stay here for a few more hours"

-you kneed him in your sleep
-you woke up to him in a ball on the corner of the bed whimpering
-"jack...what's wrong"
-"come over here"
-"I can't"
-"you kneed me in your sleep"
-"I'm sorry"
-he didn't forgive you for a long time
-he made you sleep on the couch that night

-he was playing video games and you wanted to sit on his lap
-you accidentally kneed him instead
-"man down"
-"oh my god, I'm so sorry"
-"it's ok. I'm about to die so can you please finish the game for me. I don't want to lose my points"

Hellloooooo nuggets
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