Them getting caught sending nudes

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-It was his mother
-he was in his room and forgot to lock the door
-"hey Finn, dinner is rea- FINN!"
-"MOM! Get out!"
-"what are you doing!"
-"nothing, just get out of my room!"
-he sat in silence at the dinner table

-it was his mom
-he thought nobody was home and decided to walk around the house naked
-he was texting you and decided to take a picture
-not the best time for his mom to come back from work
-"Hey Jaeden, do you know where- What are you doing!"
-Jaeden looked at his mom then ran back to his room

-It was Finn
-This dumb bitch forgot to lock the door while he was in the bathroom
-Finn walked in and they stared at each other for a full 10 seconds
-"your angle is terrible"
-"thanks Finn...get"
-"if you insist"

-It was Jaeden
-poor Innocent Jaeden just wanted something to eat
-"next time just don't do it in the fucking kitchen"
-that ruined his appetite

Hellluuu nuggets
Any suggestions? Tell me pleaseeeee because I'm running out of ideas

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