Shopping at Victoria secret with them

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-"no, I'm not going in there y/n"
-"please, I need some new underwear"
-hugging you the whole time
-a lot of: "can we go now?" "You almost done?"
-"do you like this?" Holds up a bra
-"why do you care so much. Nobody is going to see it"
-"you are"
- ˚___˚
-pays for you

-"please Jae Jae"
-"no y/n"
-"if you come with me you can pick out whatever you want"
-he's already in there
-"what about that"
-"that's so see through"
-"that's the point"
-you get it
-"your total is 159.24"
-man says   ˚___˚
-he still pays for you

-"Jack, can we go to Victoria Secret. I need some underwear"
-very immature
-making sex jokes the entire time
-"if I see one more guy stare at your ass I'm going to punch someone"
-goes into the changing room with you
-"I like that"
-"Jack, it's 45 dollars"
-"45 for a fucking bra! Jeez, you girls are expensive"

-"don't make me go in there"
-"come on Wyatt"
-"didn't you just get some"
-"ya, 6 months ago"
-"you need to get new ones every 6 months!"
-doesn't help you but is clawing on to your arm like a gorilla
-"where are you going?"
-"changing room"
-"you need to try them on!"
-"I can't just pick up a bag of underwear for 5 bucks and be good for a year. I need to make sure it fits"
-still pays for

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Not self adverting but if you want to check out my TikTok: @strangerthingsstories72 I'm going to be post there very often soon
Hope you have a great day

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