When you're on your period

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-comes into your room and sees you with a heating pad while holding your stomach and an empty ice cream container on the nightstand (relatable)
-he goes to the store and come back with fast food, pads, tampons, new heating pad because your old one doesn't work well
-"baby. I'm here"
-"oh hi- what's that?"
-"I saw that you were on your period so I got you some stuff"
-"awe. Finn. You didn't have to-"
-you start crying
-runs to you and hugs you "why are you crying?"
-"b-because. I-I h-have the b-best boyfriend ever"

-he tracks it on his phone
-"babe. Did you get your period. You should've gotten it today"
-he hugs you
-"there are tampons under the sink and hoodies in the closet. Tell me if you need anything"

-"could I borrow your keys"
-"I have to go to the store"
-"I'll go for you. What do you need"
-you never told him about your period before. He knows what it is and knows that you have them but you've never discussed it before
-"uhh, I-I need pads"
-"OH! Um...I'll get them. What kind?"
-"I'll send you a picture"
-"ok. I'll get you some chipotle too"
-"thank you" 🥺

-you're in a fight with him
-"you're being so childish!"
-"no you are!"
-"UH! I can't stand you!"
-"why are you so mad!!! Are you on your period or something!"
-he turns into an angel in a second
-"there are pads and tampons in the bathroom. I'll go get you a hoodie"
-"what about the fight?"
-"it's ok. I was wrong. Go rest. I'll be in, in a sec"

Hello my nuggets
I have nothing to say right now

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