Chapter 19 - Would you want me-

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Author: Happy Early Valentine's Day Everyone! I found this fan art crossover while searching for some awesome Gaara fan art and love it!!

Enjoy reading!


Kagome's Point of View

"This is so boring..." I said to myself out loud in my living room.

I've been home alone dying of boredom for a week and a half now. So far, I had only sit, eat, drink water, poop, shower with my leg out, and sleep. Then repeat the next days after that. As well as complaining at my supposed "relax and rest until my leg is better" isn't much relaxing if there's nothing to do. Before I even made any friends, I would still go out with my injuries without a care in the world. I would go to the library, restaurant or café, and even the park if Uncle Baki is home and he didn't care. Of course, I would never go to Anbu Black Ops. Headquarters since they would just send me back home. Either way, nobody cared. Now, my uncle wants me to stay in bed with care and concern. My three teammates and friends kept stopping me from leaving my home due to monitoring the village. Yes, I am a Anbu with skills and can travel without being noticed. However, when your leg is broken and you want food because you're too lazy or don't know how to cook as well as have friends. You're suddenly noticeable.

I look at the clock on the wall which reads 02:25pm. "Oh, it's time to take my medication," I said to myself.

I pull myself up from the couch with my cane. I slowly walk to the kitchen where my medications are located. Once I'm there, I pour a glass of water to help me swallow then I took one of the pills out of its container. I take a look at the glass of water and pill for a moment. Recalling a memory how I sometimes need to take pain killers due to the effects my Shikotsumyaku gave me. I was small and it hurt me even while I wasn't using it. A small girl who wasn't yet fully grew shouldn't go through that. However, this pain killers worked very good than the ones in the past. It's because these are much stronger to make sure mt leg doesn't hurt me while I'm healing and resting. It's even strong enough to make me very sleepy.

I place my pill in my mouth while drinking my water and finally swallow it. Then I hear a knock on the door. I grab my cane and walk to the front door. I look at the peep hole to see who it might be. The moment my eye saw who it is, my heart starts to race.

"Gaara-sama!" I quietly shout while quickly walking away from the door. "I'll be there! Give me a minute!"

I rush to my bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. I'm a totally mess. I quickly wash my face and pits, brushed my teeth, rub scented lotion on my body, put on deodorant and light perfume, and fix my hair in a bun with my bangs down. After all that, I take a look at myself in the mirror again. I look nice and just got out of bed with my big shirt which would do.

I rush back to the door and open it, "Oh? Gaara-sama. What a surprise!" I said which is true.

"You said you'll open the door in a minute, but it took ten minutes. Did you just woke up?" He ask me.

(Author: My get ready time takes about an hour to an hour and a half. When I am REALLY late, it's 10 to 20 minutes lol. How long does it take for you guys to get ready?)

"Yes! I was in bed when resting when I heard you knock on the door. When I got up, my leg was in killer pain, so I walked slowly to take my medications," I lied to him. "but couldn't find them until I saw they were on the top shelve which I assumed Uncle Baki placed them there. So, I struggled to get them."

"You could've opened the door first so I may assist you."

"Yeah, I didn't want to be a bother," I smile at him. "To what do I owe this pleasure of your visit?"

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