Chapter 3 - Sand Siblings

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Author: I know it's not what an Anbu from the Sand Village looks like. For it, just pretend.

Credit to artist for their oc


Days Before The Chunini Exams

It's been five years now since I joined the Anbu Black Ops.. I had made a lot of enemies rather than friends. I did the most killings that I wish I didn't. I traveled far from home and that was the only thing that didn't bother me. Well, besides my new nickname. Fellow Anbu members called me Two-Face since I was often picked to go undercover at some of my missions. In one of them, I tricked this murderous couple that I was a lost child and used my "happy" personality that people believed many times. Then I put on my Anbu mask and killed them. One face shows the old me that I couldn't be anymore while the other shows what I am. The Anbu in me who kills without emotion. Who would care anyway?

Today, after eating an early breakfast alone, I was about to head to headquarters for my next mission. I put on my mask before I go outside. It's not required to wear your mask before or after your missions are done. However, wearing it helps me. I just don't want to show my face anymore. Without it, I feel like I'm a fake. Trying to pretend I'm still in my magical world with my happy family and have real friends. But no, I couldn't which soon led me to cry and maybe break down. Sadly, I almost did once or twice back when I was starting. With my mask, all emotions disappear and nothing goes wrong. Once I open the door, Uncle Baki was already outside with his keys in his hand.

"Oh, Uncle Baki. Welcome home," I said to him with a cold tone. I walk around him so I can continue my day.

"Hold it right there," Uncle Baki said to me and I stop. "You're coming with me."

"I can't," I said looking at him through my mask. "I have to go to headquarters to see my next mission."

"I already checked with the Kazekage," He said walking up to me. "Your mission's with me and a team I'm assigned to."

"And who's that team?" I ask him. I don't know any of his teams.

"You're about to meet them. Let's go. We can't be late."

Meeting the Sand Siblings

I walk inside the room with Uncle Baki. There, his team, stands around in the room. They were waiting for us to arrive. However, the expression on the boy with purple paint on his face and dressed in black seems to be surprised to see me. Along with the girl with a dirtier blonde hair color than mine. The other boy with red hair and a tattoo that said "love" on the side of his forehead has no expression. I instantly know who they are. They're the Sand Siblings and children of the Kazekage. The painted face guy is Kankuro, the dirtier blonde is the older sister named Temari, and the other boy with red hair is Gaara. The boy who holds the One-Tailed Beast. The same beast who murdered my family.

"Okay, we're all here," Uncle Baki said closing the door. I can feel six eyes on me rather than my uncle. "This is my niece, Kaguya Kagome. She's one of our Anbu members."

"Well, of course, she is one," Kankuro said. "She's wearing the mask and uniform, but why is she here?"

I stare up at my uncle wanting to know why I'm here as well. He said my mission will be with him and his team but hasn't told me what it is yet. Uncle Baki walks to the other side of the room while I remain where I am. He leans on the wall and stares at the four of us.

"You four ninjas will be participating in the upcoming Chunin Exams. In order to crush the Village Hidden in the Leaf." What my uncle said brought shock to my face, but no one can see it anyway.

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