Chapter 30 - Jealous (part four)

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Author: I posted a few hours early because it's too good!!


Kagome's Point of View

"Hey, are you alright?" Natsu asks me while I walk him to the front gate entrance.

"Yeah," I lied. "Just so tired. I get you want to leave at five in the morning, but isn't it too early to leave? You can stay a little longer."

"You know I can't," Natsu reminds me. "I'm only here to keep you updated and see how you're doing since Ash died. Although staying here longer with you would be nice, I'm a member of The Arcs first. I shouldn't be in one place for too long anyway."

"And I thank you for that," I smile at him.

I told Natsu that Gaara knows about him and The Arcs, all thanks to little dumb me. Luckily, he isn't mad at me, but it did shorten his time here. The quicker he leaves without being followed, the better. We made it to the front entrance, and the guard is there. I confirmed to him that Natsu is a short visited traveler, and he opens the gate.

I look at Natsu one more time, "Please be safe and don't get in trouble. Tell Papa and Mama Swan that I said hi and hope they'll get better. Also, give the tips to the children about how to handle kunais. Oh, and -"

"Will do," He cuts me off by placing a finger on my lips.

He leans in slowly, and I know what he is about to do. He moves his finger off my lips to the back of my head to keep me from moving. I look at his lips, slowly coming to touch mine. I only have two thoughts when I see him about to kiss me. One was 'Am I really getting my first kiss?' and the other 'I wanted it to be from Gaara... But he doesn't care for me...' Sadly, it doesn't seem to ever happen. I close my eyes and ready to finally be kissed.

"Morning Kagome!" I hear Kankuro's voice as he pulls me away from Natsu. His right arm wrapped around my shoulder. "Glad to run into you. I need some help with a group at the West Tower."

I look at Natsu, who only smiles, "Guess I'll leave now. Bye, Kagome." He said and finally leaves.

"So that's the guy, huh?"

"What?" I said to him.

"The guy you've been hanging around with that made Gaara crazy," He answers.

"Let's just go to the West Tower-"

"I lied," He said to me. "Follow me. We're going to my place."

"But -"

"Gaara isn't home. Just come with me." Kankuro said, taking my hand and dragging me to his home.

After a few minutes later, we arrived and went straight to his bedroom. I never once been to his bedroom nor went in Temari's. I only went inside Gaara's bedroom once and that's it. I look around to see toy puppets and the ones he used for battles. His desk are filled with broken pieces and tools to fix them. Comparing his room with Gaara's, his is a little dark than Gaara's bedroom. Makes me now wonder what Temari's bedroom looks like.

"So why are we-"

Kankuro pulled me, and I fell onto his bed. Suddenly, he gets on top of me. My hands are held down by his, and my legs are tangle with his as well. I sadly couldn't think of anything to get out of his grip without killing him. Or without breaking his hand and leg. I lay there powerless and frozen, but I also feel a little embarrassed.

"You're really clueless," He said seriously. "Getting upset and angry at my dumb little brother, so you hang out with another guy to make him angry and upset."

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