Chapter 4 - Not a Monster

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Kagome's Point of View

We started our journey to the Hidden Leaf Village. The heat of the desert sun doesn't bother us since we lived here all of our lives. It took us a day and a half to finally reach the broader. Or in other words, see grass and trees. Easy job, right? No, not at all. My face has been red. No, it wasn't from the sun. It was from looking at Gaara and I don't know how to stop it. Could I like someone who let the One-Tailed Beast loose that killed my family? I know I don't blame him and only the beast, but could I be also blaming him too?

Anyways, I've been hiding my face with a mask throughout the journey. Uncle Baki kept telling me to remove it, but I convinced him that I'll take it off once the Leaf Village is in sight. Plus, it keeps me serious about my other part of the mission which is to watch over the Jinchuriki. That's the fancy name for holders of the tailed beasts, by the way. My uncle didn't bother to fight back.

The sun sets down as my uncle stops in his tracks and we all stop behind him. "Let's set up camp for now," he said to us.

"Are you serious? We're only a few hours away. We'll make it in a few minutes before midnight." Kankuro said.

"Just do as I said," Uncle Baki orders. "Besides, it would be better to arrive during the morning time."

We all obeyed. Temari and Kankuro set up the camp and their sleeping bags while Gaara did nothing but sit on a high tree branch. Looking down at us all. I secretly kept looking up at him by positioning my head to look at my bag, but my eyes are looking up. As I said, I've been wearing my mask nonstop.

"Kagome," Uncle Baki calls for me. "I'll be looking for food with Kankuro. You and Termari stay put and watch Gaara. Understand?"

I nod and so did Temari before he and Kankuro left to find food. It was just the girls and Gaara. I decided to start the fire. We stay quiet for a long time. Normally, I wouldn't mind at all, but it just feels awkward. Oh, how I pray for this mission to be over.

"Kaguya Kagome," Temari said which got my attention. "Are you really from the Kaguya clan?"

"Yes," I straightly answer her question.

"Do your clan wear masks even though you're not an Anbu?"

"I am an Anbu member," I remind her.

"Not for this mission," She also reminds me. "You are when you are looking after my brother alone and during our attack against the Leaf Village, but I'm here and you're currently a genin. Plus, we're on break, so you can take off your mask."

'How is she nice while she took me shopping for new clothes and started telling me what to do,' I thought to myself. I don't want to take off my mask, but I don't feel the heat on my cheeks anymore. In the end, I slowly took off my mask and show her my signature fake smile again.

"Now, there's that smile. Bet you got all the boys going after you," Temari said jokingly.

"Nope! I don't know anyone who is my age since I'm the youngest in the Anbu!"

"So, you don't have any friends?" She asks me and my head shakes.

'What is she doing?' I thought to myself wondering what information she was trying to get on me.

"And you never started at the academy? Just straight away signed up to be part of the Anbu Black Ops.? Is it because of your clan or something else?"

"Weeellllllll~," I said trying to think of a good answer. "My mommy was from an Anbu when she first moved to Sunagakure due to her being in the Kaguya clan. She had higher than Jounin level skills, so she was perfect for the job. So, it would make sense that I would also join right when I learned how to fight!"

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