Chapter 14 - Allies (part one)

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Author: This chapter will be short because I want this story and my other story to sync their timelines together. So, please enjoy!


Kagome's Point of View

"Thank you for all four of you to come," Uncle Baki called us.

I was actually on my way to continue my Anbu missions before the sun rose until Uncle Baki stopped me. He wanted to see me and the sand siblings. We all met up in the same room where I officially met them and became their extra member. Back when I didn't want anything to do with them and wore a fake smile. Temari and Kankuro are sitting where they were before and Gaara leaning on the wall like last time. Instead of standing far away from them and close to the door, I stand next to Gaara.

"The Fifth Hokage had asked us for our assistance to rescue one of their Genin who had run out from their village," Uncle Baki starts to explain the mission. "That genin is Uchiha Sasuke, and he left his village in intention to join Orochimaru."

"What?" Temari said in shock.

"Is he crazy?! That guy tricked us and killed both Kages!" Kankuro shouts.

I couldn't believe it either. Sasuke is (y/n)'s teammate. I had wondered why Orochimaru would want Sasuke. However, I never thought of him abandoning his village and leaving his friends behind. Maybe he wants to be stronger or under some kind of genjutsu without knowing, but it doesn't matter. At this point, he is committing to be a rogue ninja and willing to follow Orochimaru's commands. If he ends up taking a life, he would be a wanted criminal on the bingo book. Dead or alive.

"Yes, but apparently it's not enough for him," Uncle Baki said, pulling out a scroll, which I assume is the letter from the Hokage. "Four of their Genins and one Chunin had already started their search to find him. The names of these Genins are Akimichi Choji, Hyuga Neji, Inuzuka Kiba, and Uzumaki Naruto. Their Chunin captain is Nara Shikamaru. All of you had already met them in the Chunin Exams."

"Yes, we all remember them," I said out loud, and the rest agreed.

It saddens me a little to know that (y/n) won't be in the mission. It does question me why only Naruto is going. Why aren't (y/n) and Sakura going? Shouldn't they be part of this mission to find their teammate? Maybe it was rushed, and Shikamaru couldn't find them in time or too emotional for them.

"Uncle Baki, Naruto is Sasuke's teammate along with two others. Why aren't the other two parts of the mission?" I decide to ask him in case he may know.

"It doesn't say why, but you'll get answers when you find them. There's one more thing, it was obvious to the Hokage that Sasuke isn't traveling alone. Meaning he has joined up with some Sound Ninjas, so they'll personally take him to Orochimaru's lair."

"So, that means we'll most likely be in one serious fight," Kankuro said.

"That's right, so I need all of you to get everything you need for battle and meet up at the gate now," Uncle Baki ordered us, and we agreed.

"Are you coming, Uncle Baki?" I ask him.

"No, I'm needed here. The four of you well go on. Now go and get ready!" He orders us, and we obeyed.

"Gaara," I hear Uncle Baki call Gaara. "I need a word with you."

Gaara's Point of View

Temari, Kankuro, and Kagome left the room to grab their weapons. I stay behind because Baki Sensei wants to talk to me alone. I don't know what it could be since he already warned me about Akatsuki. I wonder what is so important to talk to me in private.

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