Chapter 6 - Chunin Exams (part one)

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Kagome's Point of View - Second Part of Chunin Exams

We had just finished our first test and now we're entering the Forest of Death for our second test. Each team has the heaven or earth scroll and we have to battle other teams who have the opposite scroll that we have. The four of us have the earth scroll which means we need to find a team that has the heaven scroll. Once we enter the forest, I was already planning on attacking teams rather they have the heaven scroll or not.

We start jumping from tree to tree. Kankuro and Temari look around while Gaara continues to go straightforward. I was behind the three. At this point, I was debating if I should even let them be a part of my plan since I was planning to use my wires and a lot of bombs. Maybe lead the enemy team to a dangerous nest.

'Now that doesn't sound too bad,' I thought to myself.

Making up my mind, I stop following the Sand Siblings and drop down to the ground. Landing on my feet and look around for anything suspicious. After I confirmed to myself that I'm safe, I sit on the ground and pulled out my kunai to draw out my plan. From what I believe when I waited in line for my scroll, it was not at random. They most likely did it in a pattern. Meaning they may have given the first two the earth scrolls and one next team the heaven. After my team have received the earth scroll and walked away, I was able to look at the team behind us and saw that they also have the same scroll. This means the first one before us has the heaven scroll and those guys are from the Rain Village.

I start writing teams that most likely have the heaven scroll. Until a big harsh wind starts blowing and erasing my plans. I look to see who's doing this. After it stops, Temari appears while closing her huge fan.

"There you are. Did you get lost or something?" she asks me.

I look down at the ground to see that my plans are gone. I start to feel angry that my hard work is gone. All I wanted was to finish this pointless exam, have this mission over with, and get my mask back. Who said I have to be their teammate if all of them don't seem to trust me at all with questions that I don't want to answer? Why? It's none of their business.

"Man, I thought you died already," Kankuro said now with us along with Gaara.

"Oohhh, no! Don't be too worried, Kankuro-kun!" I said positively and hid my anger. "I was just planning how to jump on the enemy teams!"

"Great, so what it is?"

"Yeah, mind telling us as well?" A random voice came out of know where.

We turn to see who it is. Three Shinobis from the Rain Village have appeared in front of us. I remain calm after remembering they might have the heaven scroll. I look at Gaara who seems to be memorized by them. It's cold like always, but something seems off. Like it's a new feeling. Like he wants to do more than kill. Maybe he or the One-Tailed Beast inside thinks this forest is the perfect playground. While the three are in conversation with the enemy team, I try to think of something. I remember Uncle Baki said if Gaara tries to kill, I need to make it look like a suicide or make their bodies disappear. But then I realized that we are in the Forest of Death. A lot of dangerous creatures are in here. So, I'm not needed to hide bodies or anything.

"Hey, Gaara," Kankuro said. "Doesn't it make sense to follow them, and gather information before hunting them? If they have the same scroll, there's no need to fight."

"Actually, Kankuro-Kun. They should have the heaven-"

"I don't care," Gaara cuts me off. "They looked at me the wrong way, so I'll kill them all."

My eyes were in shock. Gaara just wants to kill them for looking at him wrong. All those three idiots are doing is being cocky with their strength. They would be dead in seconds if that kid with orange clothes goes after them due to being too proud of how powerful they are. I look at Temari, she looks at me like it's nothing. Does she not want to stop them or his brother?

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