Chapter 21 - A Long Year

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One Year Later

"Hey, Yuri!" I hear someone call out my fake name. I look down from the tree that I am sitting to see who called me. "What's a pretty girl like you doing up there?"

"Just enjoying the view of the nearby village's lights, Natsu-san!" I said to him. I jump down and land on my feet. "What is it you want?"

"Your brother, Jack, is here from The Land of Hills," Natsu said. Jack is the fake name Leader Ash picked for himself.

"And so is Eddy and Abby?!" I ask him. Fake names the two Leaf Anbus had picked out. Their real names are Chika and Haruo.

"No, sorry. I think those two are at our other hideout in the Land of Honey..." He said, which made me fawn. "Hey, don't give me that look. We're not that far from them."

"I know. It's just that I haven't seen them in three months. I'm glad Jack came back early, but I would like to see all of them."

'Also, I need to hear new updates so I can see Gaara-sama again.' I thought to myself.

It's been a year since I left the Hidden Sand Village to start my mission with Leader Ash and the two Leaf Village's Anbus. A year of traveling with a group of runaways, homeless families, orphans, and former criminals called The Arcs. Meeting every single member and listening to their stories. A year of going to every different hideout in every land. From the Land of Fangs, River, Grass, Ice, Forest, Hills, Keys, Sky, Honey, Lightning, and Noodles. It was a sad year of not seeing my friends nor getting a letter from (y/n). And an even more sad and torture year of not seeing Gaara.

You're probably wondering how we were able to join their group. Well, it was honestly not that hard at all. Leader Ash and I met up with Chika and Haruo at a village in The Land of River. Right after we were discussing our mission and our new stories, we ran into Natsu, who was stealing from a cabbage cart. Well, he ran into me on accident, saw the man who was chancing him, and ran away while taking me with him because he thought I was already a member. The next day later, the four of us joined the group.

We kept our stories pretty basic. We are orphans, but we call each other brothers and sisters, with me being the youngest. As well as ran away from a cruel village who wanted to use us as weapons. Pretty convincing, right? Well, it sure was. We'd travel to a few lands together, but then we ended up splitting up. It's for the best anyway since we need to see if any of the members who had worked for Orochimaru or knew where any more of his lairs are located. Natsu let me travel with him to keep me company. Too much, I may add.

"You worried too much," Natsu said, patting my head with a smile.

"I don't know why you sometimes treat me like a child," I complain while fixing my hair. "You're only four years older than me. Not older than my siblings."

"Exactly, but you're too cute," He said as he leans down to my face. "You're a child, but a very attractive one..."

I turn my face away, "I haven't turned sixteen yet, perv," I said to him, laughing a little. "Besides, I told you I like someone else."

"Ahhh! When are you going to tell me who it is? You met every guy in all our hideouts, and they are head over heels for you. Even the kids. Plus..." He touches the edge of my hair. "I found you first and like you a lot. I would do anything to get you to notice me."

"Well, I should go see Jack now," I said and ran away from him.

I won't lie, it's nice to know another boy really likes me. Especially, those who believe in love at first sights. Natsu is a really handsome, tall, well-built body, tan skin, beautiful grey eyes, and wavy hair. He's not a skilled ninja, but he is a fast learner. However, my heart still belongs to Gaara. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I miss him dearly, and I hope he's okay. Every day, I hoped for the mission to end so I could run into his arms. I even imagined how we would reunite, and one of us would admit our feelings for each other. Of course, finally kiss.

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