Chapter 24 - Gaara vs Akatsuki

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Author: Let's now read part three!!!!


"Okay, I think I'm fully ready now." I said to myself before walking out of my home and entering out into the cool summer windy night.

It's been long months of not going on missions and self-healing. I didn't have a choice. Gaara, my crush and the current Kazekage, ordered me to do so. Since I was unstable to the point, I get frequent panic attacks, wanting to crush all targets into nothingness, letting myself be put in very near death, and smoking. I'm glad to say I'm okay now. And I definitely stopped smoking. I am still a tiny bit scared to pick up my weapons, or rather make a bone weapon, and lose another person I am close to. However, I have to move on if I want to continue to protect them and be with Gaara.

What I have been doing was mostly just reading, meditating, continue to practice using my Shikotsumyaku, and cloud watching while I laid on the ground waiting for the pain to go away after using my kekkei genkai. I also taught myself how to cook since Uncle Baki kept forgetting his bento when he's coming home late. With that, Uncle Baki and I have bonded more, and he's less worried about me, which is good. I rarely see Termari and Kankuro since they're on missions or protecting the village and Gaara. When I do, it would be for a few minutes, and then we part ways. I would say it kills me that I haven't seen Gaara in a long time, which it is. Especially when he's very busy. However, even though I miss him dearly, It makes me happy to know he feels the same. I noticed his third eye watching me from time to time.

I look my surroundings to see if he's watching me right now, "I don't see his eye. He must be filling out files and reports at the moment." I mumbled to myself and continued to walk through the village. I smile to myself for liking how at please it is.

That lasted for only a good minute until I heard a few explosions going off. Some of them came from a far off, and some sound like they're above me. I look up to see an odd huge white bird that I have never seen before and a man riding on top of it. I quickly assumed he's the one who'd made the explosions. Then my eyes widen as they land on Gaara, who is fighting the enemy. Before I could think, I ran quickly to the Kazekage Building. I was already halfway there and don't want to waste any more time to get my wired spools if something happens to Gaara. Once I was in front of the building, I ran up the walls and jumped high at the top. Thankfully, I wasn't the only one. Other shinobis and Kankuro are there, but doing nothing.

"What are you guys doing?!" I shouted and rushed to Kankuro. He noticed me before I stood next to him. "We need to help him! He could get killed!"

"Not yet!" Kankuro said to me, but not looking at me. "I'm sorry, but we can't."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" I ask while rage and panic are slowly building up.

"He's doing it for us. If we get in the way then..." Kankuro looks down, then shakes his head and turns to me. "Besides, you're still not allowed to be in the front lines, remember?"

"I don't care! I should help him!" I shout and ready to join in the fight.

"Wait! Hold on!" Kankuro wraps his arms around me in order to stop me from going. "Just wait for a little longer, please. Gaara won't be defeated so easily. If you can wait until the end, you can beat up whoever let the enemy inside."

He held onto me tight even while I struggled to break free. I eventually stop and watch Gaara fight the enemy. From here, now getting a good look at the intruder, I can kind of see what he's wearing, which doesn't comfort me at all. He's wearing a black cloak with red clouds on them.

'Gaara-sama...' I say his name in my thoughts.

While mines and everyone else's eyes are on Gaara, Uncle Baki soon joined us to watch the fight as well. Soon enough, I can tell the whole village is watching and cheering for Gaara right now. All eyes and cheers are for him to win. The battle looks to be in his hands for the win. I hope and wish with all my might that my eyes are not deceiving me. He is the village's ultimate defense. Our protector. Our Kazekage. My heart.

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