Chapter 34 - Kage Sumit (part two)

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Author: Needed a fan art with two oc since there is another crossover with My Long Journey as a Shinobi (and to his heart)!!!

Please read my other story when you're done with this chapter!!!


"Kagome! What took you so long!?" Kankuro said, noticing me.

"I found a coin and picked it up for luck," I lied.

I catched up with the others in time. In time to watch Gaara use his sand to stop Raikage get caught in Sasuke's black flames. My eyes are in disbelief that Sasuke can make black flames that can't burn out. Temari blew used her Wind Scyther to cut the samurai's armor, which covered I black flames. Then Kankuro, with his chakra threads and my thin steal wires, remove the armor from them. The Raikage didn't bother to thank Gaara for saving him. He cut off his arm with the black flames like paper and asked his guards to heal him so he could go back to fighting Sasuke.

Sasuke stares up at us. He's completely different from the first time I saw him. He was some emo cool kid who thinks he is the strongest just because he's the last of the Uchiha clan. I even thought he would be an okay match with (y/n). Seeing him now, it's like I'm meeting a complete stranger.

"Your eyes are still as they were in the past," Gaara said to Sasuke.

Gaara had said Sasuke's eyes were like his. Overflowing with hate and hunger for blood. Wanting to kill the person who had given him hell. Gaara did have those eyes. It went from that to warm and caring. I would say Sasuke's eyes didn't change, but in my opinion, it didn't. It only grew from cold and attitude to colder, hungrier, and pure pitch black.

"Making revenge your sustenance resolves nothing. I learned that lesson personally," Gaara speaks to Sasuke again. "It's not too late for you. Do not cast yourself into a world where you are all alone, obsessed with hate. You won't be able to return."

"And if I returned? What would I find there?" Sasuke asks him as if he knows the answer.

"Forget it, Gaara," Kankuro said. "Naruto already failed at convincing him. He's just a criminal now who has fallen to the Akatsuki. He's not like you."

"Besides, neither the Raikage nor the others who have been victimized by the Akatsuki will remain silent," Temari agrees with Kankuro. "After attacking the five kage summit, he's now wanted internationally. This guy has no future."

"Your siblings have a point, Gaara-sama," I said to him. "You see it, right? His eyes? I know you believe he turned back because you both walked the same path, but like Kankuro said, he's not like you."

Gaara, stay silent for a moment until he finally speaks, "Sasuke, you and I are alike. We've both walked through the darkness of the world. That's why you should be able to see even the faintest glimmer of light. In the past and even now."

'Should I be hurt that he stole my words or be at aww?' I ask myself.

"I closed my eyes long ago. My goals exist only in the darkness." Sasuke said while grinning.

"Leave your personal feelings out of this," Kankuro said to Gaara. "You are the Kazekage. "

Sand comes out of Gaara's gourd, "I know. I understand." Gaara said to his brother while a tear shed down.

'Cute- Damn it! Focus, Kagome!'

Gaara burst out his sand. Next, Temari unfolds her fan. Then Kankuro got his puppets ready. Lastly, I shoot out my wires with my Poison Line Jutsu. All four of our attacks went straight at him, and yet, it's nothing to him. Our attacks failed when he summoned a purple chakra that protected him. I know what it is. It's a powerful move that can be used if you unlock the Mangekyo Sharingan.

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