Chapter 32 - Our Secrets Reveal

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Author: Another early chapter post!! Yaya! Credit of art JuliettaSan on DV


Gaara's Point of View

"This is quite a challenge," I hear Kankuro mumble to himself. "All the more reason why it'll become a good puppet once I fully master it."

"I wonder why you were cooped up in here. New puppet?" Temari said and Kankuro turns to finally notice Temari and Kagome in his room.

"Is that who I think it is?" Kagome asks him knowing who the puppet resembles.

"Yeah... It's a bit complicated to assemble," Kankuro said. "And I wasn't cooped up!"

"Getting ready for War?" Gaara said finally deciding to walk in.

"Sort of..." Kankuro said and turns away to continue working. "You heard what happened to the Leaf Village. At this point, nothing would surprise me."

"The Leaf Village belongs to our alliance," Temari said. "We can't shrug it off as someone else's problem."

"Nope," Kankuro said. "And rebuilding a village that's been destroyed is no easy task."

"Not just that," Kagome starts to speak. "The large amount of badly injured people and low supplies that most of it were lost in the attack. They got all their hands full. Especially, their Hokage in her conduction."

"Above all, they must fill the void created by an absent Hokage," Temari said.

"Both of you are right. From a political and psychological standpoint being without their Hokage, their leader and pillar, has got to hurt badly- Damn, I screwed up," Kankuro said putting the finger he had cut from his puppet in his mouth. "Do you think they can overcome the damage the Akatsuki caused without a Hokage, Gaara?"

My older siblings and Kagome looks at me for my answer. I stay silent and think for a moment. However, I hang my head and close my eyes, "I don't know, but... that that village has him."

By "him" I mean Naruto. I then have a sudden memory of my past mission with two Jounins named Yaoki and Korobi. We went on an allied mission with Naruto's team. But it wasn't just that. I knew the higher-ups continued to want me dead and sent out Anbus during that mission. I was captured and was close to death, but finally got rescued by Naruto and my teammates. It was the start of a small bond and I slowly became someone who is needed instead of a frightening weapon. Many months passed after that, and I became the Kazekage.

'I'm glad Kagome wasn't part of that assassination team...' I thought to myself. When I finish my thought, I notice Kagome has been silent for a while now until she turns and walks out the door.

I gently grab her hand to stop her, "Where are you going?" I ask her.

"Exactly what Kankuro is doing," Kagome answers.

"You're going to build a puppet?" Temari asks.

Instead of answering, Kagome gently removes her hand from mines. She smiles at me before she leaves again. I watch her disappear from my sight. I understand what she meant. She'll be preparing for an upcoming War as well. Starting now.

'Maybe I can be of any assistance,' I thought to myself before I follow her.

Kagome's Point of View

Kankuro had the right idea to start preparing for War. After I left, I went straight to my secret training area for my Shikotsumyaku. Of course, I have been improving enough to where I don't need the book anymore. I understand all of jutsus and movements. I can control it most of the time whenever I want to use it. Minus the time I was arguing with Gaara. Pain after use is still a huge problem, but it can't be helped due to only being half Kaguya. However, It won't stop me from training.

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