Chapter 42 - Our New Life Together

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Author: LAST CHAPTER!!!!!


Wedding Day - Kagome's Point of View

"I can't breathe... I really can't breathe!" I shout in panic.

"You need to remain calm," Temari said. "Your makeup will run."

"Plus, you'll tear your dress if you keep pacing," (y/n) said to me. "My sixth month old baby in my belly is kicking. She doesn't like that you're stressed."

"I can't help it," I said to them. "I can't help but feel that something is going to happen."

Six months ago, after Gaara and I returned home, we announced our relationship to the pubic and that we're getting married. There are some who suppose our marriage, but not most. Of course, most are half of the council members. We already lost three elder members during those months. One hired an assassin to come after me, then Gaara. Another got a few of my fellow Anbus to kill me off during my last mission, which, honestly, it was almost a success. The last one just retired early, knowing it would've been a waste. Now that our wedding day has finally come, I'm worried there would be another attack or anything that would harm Gaara.

"Calm down," Temari stopped me from pacing by putting her hands on my shoulders and looking at me. "You're not going to be a run away bride, right? Nothing is going to change your mind about marrying my little brother?"

"No," I give her my straight answer.

"Then don't worry about it," Temari said. "All those nerves will blow by."

"Maybe I should carry my spools of thin steal wires under my dress, in case-"

A knock on the door interrupts me. The door opens and reveals Uncle Baki. He takes a moment to look at me in my dress before he smiles at me.

"Kagome," my uncle said. "Your parents would've been so proud of you."

I smile back at him. I know my parents would be proud of me. Ray would be happy, too. Ash would think it's crazy at first, but he would suppose me. The Honorable Siblings as well, I hope. I would cry at the thought of them, but I can't. I don't want to ruin my makeup.

"That's all you want to say Baki Sensei?" Temari asks him. "You're not going to say that you're happy for her?"

"I am," He answers her. "Very happy for Kagome to possibly have the patience to wait another hour to get married."

Temari, (y/n), and I don't need to ask him why. However, he's wrong. I don't have the patience.     

Gaara's Point of View

"And another elder council member down," Kankuro said while dusting off sand and dirt off his suit. "Good thing that I brought my puppets with me."

"Boy, this sure is a problem," Naruto complains. "The old man sure is strong."

"The strongest," I inform him as my head leans back to look up at the sky. "It's really bothersome for people to try to ruin this wonderful day."

"Cheer up, bro," Kankuro said to me while patting off the sand off my suit.

"Yeah!" Naruto agrees. "I bet that took off the nervousness, ya know?"

"I wasn't nervous," I lied. I was in a whole new level of nervousness that I didn't know I had and ended up putting on my suit before the sun rose.

"Gaara-sama!" I hear Kagome's voice as I turn to see her running towards me.

Temari and (y/n) are joined behind her. However, my eyes are only on Kagome. She's run in her wedding dress. It's as if time has slowed down for me to capture this moment. For me to admire her in this beautiful dress. Running towards me and only me.

'So beautiful... My wife is so beautiful...' I thought to myself while being amazed.

"Whoa!" Both Kankuro and Naruto cover my sight. "You're not supposed to see each other yet!"

"We know!" Temari said as they stopped running. "Baki told us what happened, so we came to find you. (y/n) made our search faster with her Shizengan."

"Yo, (y/n)!" Naruto said to his friend. "You're pregnant, remember? You're not supposed to push yourself! Kiba made it clear to all of us!"

"I'm sure he'll understand," (y/n) said while rubbing her belly. "And would you guys stop covering his eyes? He already saw Kagome and used his third eye to watch over Kagome already. In fact, he's using it right now."

"Of course, you would catch me," I said to (y/n).

Everyone turns to where my small third eye is hidden, which is behind Naruto. Naruto flinch for a moment, which I remove his and Kankuro's hands off my face. My third eye disappears, and I look at Kagome in front of me with my own eyes.

"I know I wasn't supposed to look at you for twenty-four hours or it will bring bad lock to our wedding," I calmly explained to her. "However, I couldn't help myself. Forgive me for our wedding to be pushed back an hour-"

Kagome kisses me so suddenly. I kiss her back and place my hands on her hips. She releases me and smiles brightly.

"There's no need to be sorry~!" She said will giggling. "I'm happy you're safe and here with me. Don't you feel the same?"

"Yes, I do," I answer her. "You are the first person I have ever experienced love and happiness. Both receiving and giving. Do you feel the same?"

"I do, Gaara-sama," Kagome answers me, which makes me smile. She takes my hand in hers. "Shall we now get married?"

"Yes, we shall," I answer her as the six us return to the wedding ceremony.

The End


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