Chapter 17 - Meeting You

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Kagome's Point of View

I didn't go with Gaara and Lee to the spot I told them to go. After I got off Gaara's sand and watched them leave, I connected my wires to a few bones so I could stand in front of the man who'd attacked them. The other Kaguya member I wanted to meet. The one who worked for Orochimaru until now. The last pure-blood Kaguya.

I removed the needle I used to only paralyzed him for a good long minutes. All Anbu Black Ops. must know about every target point of the human body. That is what I learned to do and know every death point. The needle I used on him was on the back of the neck. If I messed up, which I never do, and the needle went up right, it can kill him completely. However, since I went down left by an inch, it only paralyzed and even asleep for seconds or so. Hours if the needle stayed longer.

"Are you awake now?" I ask the Kaguya man to see if he is.

"Ahh...." I hear him groan. His tiring eyelids slowly opened. He looks at me. "You're... You're..."

"I'm Kaguya Kagome. The Hidden Sand Village's Anbu Black Ops.. I am half Kaguya on my mommy's side while my daddy wasn't, but took her name," I tell him who I am. "What is your name?"

"Kaguya... Kimimaro..." He said so tiring and weak. He seemed to try to move his arms but couldn't. "Why... am... I still... Alive...?"

"Correction, alive for a few seconds," I corrected him. "I paralyzed your whole body for two reasons only. Those reasons are because you tried to kill my team, and I wanted to talk to you. However, I can't let you go freely."

"Ha... Of course..." Kimimaro said. "I'm already dying anyway. I might as well answer... All questions you have..."

"Are you really the last one?" I ask him my first question.

"Yes... Lord Orochimaru found me, and I am forever grateful... Now... it looks like you'll be the last..." He answers my question. "You... don't know how to... control it... do you?" 

"No," I answer his question. "It seems to act on its own at times. I don't know nor remember the names of the jutsus I should call out."

"Which do you used the most...?" He asks me again curiously.

"I'm about to use one of them after this," I put my five fingers on his forehead.

"Digital... Shrapnel... is what it is called..." He tells me the jutsu.

"How rare is Shikotsumyaku?" I ask my next question.

"Very... Back when our clan still existed and discovered I am the only one who possessed it, they locked me in a cage until that very day..."

"Meaning when they were wiped out of the world?"

"Yes..." He answers. "Do... Do you suffer the same disease...?"

"I don't know what disease you're talking about," I answer him. "But from what my mommy had said to me, due to being half Kaguya, my bones hurt every time I use the Shikotsumyaku. What happened to the clan, and where were we originally from?"

"Once they released me, we were supposed to battle an enemy. But really it was to take over Kirigakure, The Village Hidden in Mist, which is located in The Land of Water. I assumed that was where we belonged..."

'So mommy really was from the Land of Water,' I thought to myself.

Mommy actually didn't tell me and Ray where she was from. She only told us that she was from outside of the Land of Wind and doesn't know any updates about her clan. Daddy didn't want to tell us either until Uncle Baki accidentally spilled it out one night. That was the first night for me to see his face very flush and smiling like a clown. Daddy's face was the same, too. Of course, I didn't know they were drunk that time. As well as why Mommy was very angry when she saw them pass out on the floor.

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