Chapter 9 - Truth Is Out

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Kagome's Point of View

I start getting ready to leave with Uncle Baki and my team members. Today's the day for our mission to finally take place. After getting cleaned up and putting on my clothes, I grabbed my coat for the Chunin Exams. I will be posing as another Leaf Anbu with Kabuto. I won't be noticed since I am already an Anbu, but I will be wearing a Leaf Anbu mask instead of my own. Plus, I'll be ready for the attack. As long as I stayed by Kabuto's side and stay away from actual Leaf Anbu members. After pulling on my coat, I look at my Anbu mask.

"Hello, my one and only friend... I'll be wearing you soon," I said feeling upset. I look at myself in the mirror, "Mommy, I made a friend who lives in this village that will be destroyed for the sake of our village. Am I doing the right thing?"

I feel like I'm six again. Asking my mommy questions I'll never understand. I know I will never get any answers from her or anyone. Even just looking in the mirror, I look like I'm six. The six-year-old me wanted to be loved and be happy again with family and friends. However, that six-year-old girl had never thought it would ever happen. Once I took my last look in the mirror, I put my Anbu mask in my coat and wear my Leaf Anbu mask.

'Sigh, finally. I'm under control now.'

Hours Later

I watched everyone go in one by one. I saw all the happy faces as the matches were played. The first match with (y/n)'s teammate, Naruto, confirms my theory that he is the nine-tailed fox Jinchuriki. Temari won the second match but could've lost. That guy she was up against gave up without care after defeating her. Kankuro as well gave up before his match started. It made the audience very angry. That is until it is time for Gaara's match with Sasuke.

"Well, this is going to be one interesting fight. Better watch carefully since you are still babysitting him," Kabuto said next to me as we both watch their match start. I don't reply. "Huh, you are a different person when you wear a mask. I think I prefer this Kagome instead of the other."

'Shut up... I just want to watch in peace...' I said to myself.

However, he continues to talk, "You know, there was going to be another person from the Sound Village. Sadly, he didn't make it. He was around the age of six to nine and was last seen almost a month and a half ago. At night. When I search for him, all I found was blood spats," He said which made me not focus on Gaara's match anymore. "Have you seen him? If my information is correct, you made it to the borderline that same day. Your campsite wasn't that far from where I found the blood."

'He was there? Is he the master the kid said while attacking me?' I ask myself. My head slowly turns to look at Kabuto. I can tell from behind his mask that he's smiling.

"So, you do know what happened to him? I'm assuming you do by the silents. Don't worry though. I'm not mad nor is Lord Orochimaru. He was just a test subject."

'Lord Orochimaru? The kid's master maybe? Possible the leader of the Sound Village?' I continue to ask questions to myself.

"Although, he was ordered to bring you to him since you are another member of the Kaguya Clan, I'm just assuming the kid already told you this..." Kabuto said and I look back at the match. However, my eyes are closed as I remember the words the boy said. "We do have him. The other Kaguya member, I mean."

My eyes open from his words and I look at him. He continues, "There's another reason why the Kazekage picked you for this mission. It wasn't just to babysit his One-Tailed Jinchuriki son, but also because it was recommended by Lord Orochimaru. He knew that it must be hard for the last Kaguya members to not know about their clan much or see all of them since they were all dead. However, only he knows how to use his Shikotsumyaku and knew all information and history of the clan. While you only met your mother and never bother to use yours. If I remember, your first time using it was when you killed three men and became an Anbu Black Ops. member after that. Was it your last time using it as well?"

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