Chapter 13 - Dinner

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Kagome's Point of View

My mission had ended earlier than the papers said it would take. Once I got home, I saw a bento box that was most likely my uncle's. Assuming he had forgotten his dinner. So, I thought it would be nice of me to go to the Kazekage Building to drop it off to him. Luckily, I still remember where the council room is located. Walking through the halls and finding the door to the room, I was about to open the door, but stop myself after I heard a lot of yelling.

"We can't lock him up!" I hear Uncle Baki's voice from the other side of the door. He sounds angry.

"We have to! They would easily catch and kill him if we don't! Think about the village! He's our weapon!" I recognized the voice that belonged to the man who didn't approve of Gaara being the next Kage.

'Weapon? Are they talking about Gaara?' I ask myself.

"I know that, but he's very much not an animal!" Uncle Baki shouts back at him.

"The beast spirit inside him and his outburst said otherwise," the man said. "Besides, you, the two siblings, the other council members, and your nutty Kaguya niece had signed him as the next Kazekage. Which means he is an easy target for them to kill!"

"Don't you ever dare insult my niece!" Uncle Baki said, and I heard only silence for a few seconds. "Either way, Gaara is much stronger to protect himself. Especially stronger than you."

I hear footsteps coming closer to the door. I step away to the side just in time before the doors swing open. Showing an angry councilman stumping out in the halls. I take a peak in the room to see my uncle sitting in his chair and rubbing his temples. I walk in without knocking and put his bento box on his desk. He looks up at me to finally notice my presence. I show him a smile.

"Kagome? What are you doing here?" He asks me.

"My mission ended early, and I came home to notice you'd forgotten your dinner."

"Ah, thank you. I was in a rush to be here that I forgot to bring it with me. However, I know you were listening behind the door. How much did you hear?"

My smile fades, "Is something wrong that's related to Gaara-sama?" I finally ask him.

Of course, it's related to Gaara, but I want to know if he's in any danger. Even if it's something too serious, I want to help him. Uncle Baki got up from his chair and walked to the doors to close them. Then he turns to me with a serious look.

"The Leaf Village's jinchuurki was attacked by a group who were after him," he finally said.

"Is he okay? Did they destroy the Leaf Village?" I ask him concern and shock.

"Yes, he and the village are safe," He said, which made me sigh in relief. "But their new fifth Hokage send out a message to other lands with their jinchuurkis to notify them about this group."

"Who are they? What exactly were they planning to do with the jinchuurki?"

"They called themselves the Akatsuki. A group of dangerous rogue shinobis. They all wear black cloaks with red clouds on them. It seems their goal is to capture all nine jinchuurkis for their own selfish needs of dangerous power. Although they planned to capture the nine-tailed fox spirit was a failure, it doesn't mean they would end it there. We believed they would go after Gaara next at any time now. We were talking about this and what to do with Gaara."

"Shouldn't you talk about this with him, Temari, and Kankuro before making any decisions? Gaara-sama has the right to know who will be after him."

"Yes, I agree. I'm actually planning to go see them before you walked in, but I should eat first," he confirms to me. "You should go get some rest, Kagome. You haven't had proper sleep in months already." He turns to open the door for me to leave.

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