Chapter 5 - Sand Meets Leaf

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We made it to the Hidden Leaf Village. We were welcomed by the two men at the gate who also took us straight to the Hogkage's office. We weren't the only non-Leaf Genins who has to go there. Since the Chunin Exams are also for other Genins from outside villages and lands. Once we met with the Third Hokage, he ordered one of his men to take us to the hotel we'll be staying until the end of the exams. We were given two hotel rooms. Uncle Baki wants me to room with him since he thinks it's better than sleeping in the same room with the Sand Siblings. I guess I understand that reason. One family gets one room while the other family gets the other. Besides, since the morning we all woke up, I felt Gaara staring at me. Even walking in front of him, I can tell he was staring at me. If he stares at me for this long, I can't imagine how uncomfortable it would be if he stares at me while I sleep. I sure hope he doesn't watch me sleep in my room.

After Uncle Baki and I went to our hotel room, I look around to see how nice it is. I walk straight to the balcony. Admiring the view of villagers and towns. Not a single sight of sand, the intense feeling of heat waves and strong heavy winds, and no sand dusting in the winds. There are real trees everywhere. Healthy and properly grown from the grounds. I watch the people below me walking around with smiles without sweating and fighting the winds. I took a deep breath in of the fresh clean air and let it out slowly. For once, I feel at peace, but I know it won't last long. I need to enjoy it while I can. Before all this goes away.

"Kagome, let's talk about our mission," I hear Uncle Baki calls me. My peacefulness fades quickly. I walk away from the balcony and join him to sit on the floor in front of him. "First, hand me your mask."

"Why?" I ask him.

"Remember, you're not an Anbu here. You're the fourth member of this team as a genin," He said putting his hand out. "Also, there will be other Anbus and Shinobis who will most likely watch our every move. If they caught you with that mask on and find out you're an Anbu from the Hidden Sand Village, we'd be force to leave and the mission will fail."

I hesitate for a good moment. I don't want to hand over my mask. It's the only way to not show my face and control my emotions. With a new added reason, it also helps to not blush in front of Gaara. It was already hard enough to not wear it when we enter the Leaf Village. I thought I can only wear it at nights were watching over Gaara or even if I'm alone in the room. However, that must of change my uncle's mind. He must of think the Leaf Shinobis will be monitoring us to see if and when we would attack.

I bite my tongue and do as he said. I get up to where my bag is and pull out my mask. Then walk back to give it to him and he takes it. I know why I had to obey him which is because he's in charge of the mission and he's my uncle. However, it bothers me because he is my uncle even though he never acted like one.

"I hope you're happy, uncle," I said coldly.

"I am. I never see your face anymore. Since you join the Anbu, I never get to see it," He said in a cold tone as well. "Now, being a Genin is the first part of your mission. The second is watching over Gaara."

I sit up straight and ready to listen. He continues, "You must watch him and be at his side at all times. He's our weapon to attack the Hidden Leaf. If he breaks out now, everything goes down in flames. You must make sure that won't happen. He seems to listen to his sister, Temari, at times rather than his brother. So mention her if you have to. He can't sleep and I do mean by 'can't' because the One-Tailed Beast takes over his body easily and won't be able to wake up."

'Ohhh, that explains last night,' I thought to myself.

"He likes to sit outside and kill whoever is near him. Basically, the monster feeding another monster's hunger for fresh blood. Make his victims look like suicide or make their bodies disappear. In case, he doesn't do it himself. When he does though, don't be close to him because he might take you as well. Or better yet, stop him if you can without forcing him to sleep or knock him out. Understand?"

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