Chapter 23 - It's Hard

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Author: Credit of fan art: Kurahibisagi or SeelenKaetzchen DV


Few Weeks Later - Temari's Point of View

"Gaara? Where are you going?" I ask Gaara, noticing him leaving his desk so suddenly.

"I need to see her," Gaara answers, which he doesn't need to tell me who he wants to meet so badly. It's clearly Kagome.

It has been a few weeks since the Chunin Exams. Gaara gave her permission to go on missions outside the village again. However, I'm not blind to knowing that he's worried about her. We're all worried about her. Gaara had asked us if we've seen her or not. Even asked her if we've seen her face. I already told him I've seen her smoking without her mask on and confirmed her face didn't physically change, but it didn't calm him since he didn't see her face. He ordered all Anbu members, who goes on missions with Kagome, to report him for injuries, signs of changes, her behavior, and to protect her. Of course, most said she went crazy and went a bit too far to killing the already dead targets. She has even ended up in the hospital to heal her injuries. I'm just happy this new love sick behavior doesn't affect his work.

"Temari, what do men do for women when they need to see them?" He asks me, which didn't help me try not to laugh. I held it in anyway.

"Well..." I think for a moment. "They need to look nice for them and just admit how much they miss, care for, and worry about them."

I walk towards him and make his hair very nice and neat. Definitely, changing his hair style and he better keep it after this. I take away his Kazekage coat and straighten his clothes. I look at him for a moment, then give him a thumbs up.

"Okay, you are ready to go!" I said to him, and he gave me a confused look. Then he finally leaves to finally see Kagome.

Kagome's Point of View

I start walking home from Anbu Headquarters. There were no missions for me today, which is good since I was tired of ending up at the hospital and hearing complaints that I need to stay in bed. I still hang around the building just in case. At least I didn't get panic attacks when I was helping out the other Anbu members with their training. That's the first. I pull out my cigarette box, take one of the cigarettes, place it between my lips, and take out my lighter to lit it. I never like smoking and used to give dirty looks at Ash every time he smokes, but it seems to calm my thoughts a lot the moment I returned. I get fewer panic attacks when I do it even though it's unhealthy. It's not like I do it so often. I only do it once or twice a day, only when I feel a panic attack is coming. Maybe four a day. While I walk under the night sky with light winds and blowing out smoke, I look up to admire the stars.

"So beautiful..." I mumbled to myself.

I start to wonder if everyone who had died are like these stars and if they're watching right now. I wonder if the dead victims of The Arcs are at peace. I was wondering if (y/n) is happy up there and finally met her mommy. I wonder if Ash had reunited with his family and met with mine. I wonder if my family is watching me suffer right now. I wonder if they wish to help me or maybe like seeing me this way. That is literally all I can think of since that day. The dead of the people I cared for.

"Hey!" I hear a kid's voice, then I see him jump a few feet away from me. He doesn't look happy.

Two more kids appear and surround me in a triangle. I look at all three of them. I can tell they're genins since they look young and wearing the Sand Village headband. What's weird is that all of them look familiar, but I don't know them nor their names. They pulled out their weapons at me. I dropped my cigarette on the ground and crushed it with my foot while putting on my mask.

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