Chapter 22 - She's (Not) Back

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Eight Months Later

"Kagome? I'm leaving now..." I hear Uncle Baki's voice behind my locked door. I didn't respond. I remain silent in my room. "I'll see you at the Kazekage Building with the council." He finally leaves.

'I don't have a choice, do I?' I ask myself.

When the mission was over, I went straight to the Leaf Village to give them my reports personally since I was the only survivor. After that, I was even more upset to hear (y/n) is gone. I don't mean gone for a mission. I mean, gone from this world as well. I didn't bother to cry because it was useless, but I did break. I broke to the point that I completely lost myself, and the Leaf Shinobis had to tame me for the night. I was tired of feeling again after what happened at the year-long mission. Once I returned home, I instantly ignored Uncle Baki, Temari, Kankuro, and even Gaara. I didn't want to be a part of their lives anymore, knowing I would break if something happened to them. Basically, I went back to my old self. Locking emotions and wearing a mask everywhere I go. Minus the pretending to be happy and positive girl I pretended before and really was after. I don't have the strength to pretend.

I thought when I returned, I would go back to my daily rounds of going on Anbu Missions. With the only change of not having Ash around. When word got out about Ash's death, I was promoted to lead in missions, but it only lasted for a few months. I started to get panic attacks during missions, which I was able to hide it well, but it gets worse as time passes. Flashbacks of dead friends' faces kept appearing in my mind that it was hard to breathe or even hold a weapon. I ended up in the hospital a few times when it became a little "uncontrollable." Luckily, I wasn't banned from going on any more missions, but I won't be going outside of the village unless Gaara, the new Kazekage, leaves the village on his own.

Yep, you heard me right. Gaara has finally become the Kazekage six months after I left. After I was all healed up, he assigned me as his personal bodyguard to protect him. When he's alone, I'm there to watch over him. When he leaves, I leave with him. I still keep my distance and treat him as a Kazekage instead of a friend. However, when I am alone with Gaara, I don't talk to him. It kills me that I have to do this, but it's for the best. I can't have another episode if someone I care for is gone. Besides, I'll only be protecting him when Temari and Kankuro are not around. Like when they left to the Leaf Village to discuss a joint Chunin Exams. While they're gone, Uncle Baki thought it would be wise for me to join him at the elder council meetings. He thinks it would be good for me. He's my uncle, so he knew about my panic attacks without me telling him. I actually don't know how he knew.

'Okay, it's time for work...'

I get out of my bed and start getting ready. I put on my Anbu uniform and my mask. Then I head to the Kazekage building.

Gaara's Point of View

I sit alone in the council room. Quietly looking over 27 genin profiles who'll be participating in the Joint Chunin Exams with the Hidden Leaf Village. Some of the elders didn't agree to this, three to be exact. That is mostly due to having a Jinchuuriki as their Kazekage. If they felt that way, then the seven other elders should've spoken up instead of not showing up to the meeting. The others, like Temari and Kankuro, are worried that the Akatsuki would make their move. However, I do not care. My mind is made up, and I cannot change it.

I hear a knock on the door, "It's open." I said. My eyes widen to see a female anbu. Not just any female anbu. My bodyguard, protector, and someone I care dearly. "Hello, Kagome."

"Good evening, Lord Kazekage," She formally said. She walks around the table to be close to me. Then she kneels on one knee with her head down. "We prepare the Demon Desert round you had order. We also prepared the Demon Desert's Checkout Point for the genins to rest for the night."

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