Chapter 15 - Allies (part two)

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Author: Another short chapter. The next one won't be short, so don't hate me!


Kimimaro's Point of View

"I've finally understood that..." I said to Kabuto as I slowly arise from my bed. "Even if it's not me, I'll bring in the new 'vessel' even if it costs my life. That's my repayment to Lord Orochimaru... That's the only way for me for being so worthless..."

"I won't stop you," Kabuto said, agreeing for me to bring Uchicha Sasuke to Lord Orocjimaru. "Let's hope you'll live long enough to do so. Better yet, long enough to meet the female Kaguya."

I stand on my feet and hold out my hand, "May I see what she looks like before I go?"

Kabuto pulls out a picture from his packet and then hands it to me. I look at the picture with her and three other Sand Shinobis. She doesn't look like a member of the Kaguya clan. With her blonde hair and magenta eyes. Only the markings on her forehead that are the same as mine prove that she is from the same clan. She also looks happy, like she doesn't suffer the same faint as I had. I bet she would be much happier if she serve for Lord Orochimaru.

"She's only half Kaguya, correct?" I ask Kabuto.

"Very much, but she does possess the kekkei genkai. It's enough for Lord Orochimaru's and your goal," he answers me and grins. "She's very pretty, isn't she?"

'She is... Very pretty... It would make it harder to kill her if she goes against Lord Orochimaru's orders. If I live long enough.' I thought to myself.

Kagome's Point of View

"From what we gather so far," Gaara said as we jumped off trees after trees,"There's four of the Sound Ninjas. They're about Jounin level."

"Two of the Leaf Genins defeated two of them. Leaving the other three are going after the last two who have Sasuke," Temari said.

"Most likely, they're also going to split up," I said. "Knowing the Sound Ninjas well enough so far, they got to have extra member or two with them hidden and undetected."

"Good thing we're here," Kankuro said. "Hey, look up there!"

We see what Kankuro sees. Some trees crashed and tore. As well as bomb ashes on them. I take a closer look at the area. I look around to put the pieces together. I look down to notice some foot markings on them. About three different ones that are heading to one direction. I jumped to a different broken tree on the side and found a patch of dog hair. Then I look farther down where it would take a huge fall down.

"Well? Where did they go?" Temari asks me.

"They definitively split up," I explain to them. "They had set up a trap for them and got Sasuke back, but still being chanced. That's where another bomb was set, which is here. There's only three different feet markings leading in that direction," I point to my right. "However, there's only three. Not five like it should. So something tells me two mostly likely went straight down after that last bomb." I point down.

"Some theory," Kankuro said. "Let me guess, you know which Leaf Genin went down and which left with Sasuke?"

"This dog hair," I said, holding it out. "It belongs to Inuzuka Kiba. The boy who has the dog. He and one of the Sound Ninjas probably took the fall."

"Impressive," Gaara said, which I smiled.

"I'll say. Guess training as an Anbu Black Ops. must be pretty something," Temari agrees. "So that means we'll need to split up too."

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