Chapter 28 - Jealous (part two)

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Author: Sadly, this chapter will be a short chapter. Also, new chapters will be posted on Mondays nights every 2 weeks.


Gaara's Point of View

'You're so blind, you jerk!' Kagome's words from last night repeat in my thoughts.

It's been exactly sixteen hours since my last conversation with Kagome. I couldn't believe she would storm off like that. I was only discussing with her about what I had heard from Yumi and her group. Then, I gave my honest opinion of it. Either she didn't like what she was hearing because it's true or she was mad over something else. I'm still not very good at reading many emotions, but I'm much more concerned if I might've done something wrong.

I know today is Kagome's day off, so it gives me until tomorrow to figure out what's wrong with her. I don't want to discuss this with Temari and Kankuro because I want to try to figure it out on my own. That, and they seemed to enjoy it when I wanted to talk about Kagome. I take a pause on my work and I start thinking why she's been behaving. Baki Sensei said she's been burning foods due to being deep in her thoughts. Yumi and her friends claim she had harmed them and shown cuts that seemed to be fresh. Kagome ran out after I tried to talk to her about it. Could she still be sad about Lady Chiyo? Or maybe another close comrade died during an Anbu mission? Or maybe just missing her family? Or maybe she's still going under cold turkey from not smoking anymore? I hope that one is not the case.

'I should check on her,' I thought to myself. 'If I monitor her behavior, I'll get answers.'

I close my right eye and placed two fingers on it. My sand forms into my third eye, and it views all of Sunagakure. I start to see if Kagome is at her house from the window, but no one is home. Next, it was her favorite café but she's not there either. Then Anbu Headquarters, but I didn't spot her. For a good few minutes, I still haven't found her, which puts me in concern if she's anywhere in the village at all. Once I finally spot her, it didn't please my chest at all. She is being carried on some man's back that I have no idea who this person is. Both are laughing, smiling, and enjoying their conversation together. Her arms are wrapped nicely around his neck while his arms hold her upper half of her legs. With one of hishands,  seems to be inches away from her butt.

Anger grows inside me while my chest starts to hurt terribly. I don't like the sight of seeing Kagome with another man. A man giving her a piggyback ride and carrying her all happily. It makes me want to kill him. End him. Watch him disappear in a second from my sand coffin. Sadly, I can't blame it on Shukaku, who is no longer inside me. This is all my own emotions. I continue to watch them walk to a BBQ restaurant until I stop monitoring them. I didn't want to continue watching, but a deep hunger of rage wanted to know more. I want to know more about this man Kagome is with. Who is he? He doesn't seem to be a villager here, so where is he from? How old is he? How do they know each other? How close has he gotten with Kagome? Then another thought hit me, which made my eyes widen, and breathing stopped. Could he be the reason why Kagome is acting strange?

I got out of my desk and am about to walk out of my office until the door opens for me. Revealing Yumi with a long cloak on. "Lord Gaara, good to see you." She said, but I have no interest. "I was wondering if we can have time to chat all alone in your- Hey!"

I push her out of my way to get past her, "Forgive me, but I am in a hurry for something important." I said while walking away. 

Without knowing, my walks turn into running. I ran past the staff, Jounins, and my siblings without letting them know where I am going. Once I was outside, my sand carried me to the restaurant where Kagome and the man are currently located. Once I land in front of the place, I spot them in the window. I was going to use my sand to capture the man by force, but I soon chose not to make a scene by not going inside. I need to be in control and not let the people assume I'm a monster again. The emotions inside me are too much, but I am able to tame it. It's a lot easier to tame than before, I may add. So, I wait outside while watching them to continue whatever they're doing. I watch them talk and laugh more, which only continues to anger me more. Then it raises to max when Kagome has food on her lips, and the man wipes it off with his thumb. Instead of using a napkin to whip it off his thumb, he puts it in his mouth. I couldn't watch anymore.

'I change my mind. I'm going in.' I thought to myself.

While keeping my control and being mature, I barge inside the restaurant and walk to Kagome's table. Kagome noticed me in a bit of surprise while the man looked at me confused. He must not know who I am, which proves he's not a villager here. I stare at him coldly and then turn to lock eyes with Kagome.

"Kagome, I need a word with you." I said to her.

She looks at me with a confused face but turns her head away from me while she drinks. "This is my day off, Lord Kazekage. Besides, I'm with an old friend."

I can tell from her voice that she is still mad at me about yesterday even though I still don't know why. It hurts me that she's acting like this. Without asking her, I grabbed her hand and dragged her out of her table.

"It's important, so let's go now."

Once we're outside, she forcefully pulls away, but I still hold onto her hand. Then she forced a stop, "Gaara-sama, what are you doing?" She asks me. "That was very rude of you. You shouldn't be acting like that. Especially to my friend."

"We can talk about my behavior once we're at my office. We both owe each other answers, so don't go against me."

"Hold on, mate." I hear a voice which belongs to the man. "I don't know who you are, but the young and pretty girl doesn't seem to want to go anywhere with you."

"Well, I also don't know who you are, but Kagome is coming with me." I said to him. I tried to drag Kagome away with me again, but he stopped me by grabbing Kagome's other hand.

"It's Natsu." He reveals his name. We glare at each other for a good few minutes. Not wanting to let go of Kagome.

This Natsu guy is slightly taller than me by four inches. His skin is tan and has grey eyes. Long wavy hair and seems to be strong. However, I can tell he has zero skills in being a ninja. Yet, he seems to have a strong confidence in wanting to take Kagome away from me. Like I would ever let anyone take her away from me. I refuse to let it happen.

"Ouch!" Kagome shouts and breaks free from both our grips. She pushes Natsu and I farther apart from each other. "Okay, let me introduce you both. Natsu-san, this Gaara-sama. my former teammate and current Kazekage. Gaara-sama, this is Natsu-san. A member- I mean, friend I ran into during my year-long mission."

'She calls him Natsu-san?'

"Oh? So, you're the Gaara she talked about, huh?" Natsu glares at me, which I return as well. "I guess I'll go now. Kagome, I'll see you tomorrow."

Natsu took Kagome's right hand again and placed a kiss on her hand. The moment it happened, his eyes looked at me with a small grin. As if he knows I don't like it. It only made me want to crush him into nothing more. Before I could even do that, he ran off and disappeared. Kagome turns to me, and we lock eyes again.

"Shall we go talk now?" She asks me, and we start walking back to the Kazekage Building.

To be continue....

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