Chapter 26 - Can't Sit & Do Nothing

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Author: Kaogme now in here teens in her new outfit!!! credit goes to ShuraGirlSayuri from DV


Kagome's Point of View

The Sand Village has been heavily guarded and full of stress, while Gaara is still not back yet. The fact that (y/n) isn't dead and Sakura saved Kankuro were the only bright sides out of all this. However, it is not enough for me to stop panicking to myself. After (y/n) reunited with her team and Sakura making a cure, they left to save Gaara. Temari and I were supposed to leave with them and had a group ready, but Uncle Baki stopped us from leaving. Then Lady Chiyo volunteered to leave with them, which I am slightly worried about. The council got both worried for the village and impatient to wait for Gaara's return, so they called a meeting to look for a new Kazekage. Once again, I was invited by my uncle and Kankuro. Of course, the three of us strongly disagreed with a new Kazekage while Gaara could still be alive, which he is. Although they'd admitted that some wanted Gaara to be Kazekage to monitor him and later on told the chaos aftermath of the Third Kazekage's death. I reminded them that after the Fourth's death, we managed it well while waiting for Gaara to be the next Kazekage, but not all would listen to me. However, It doesn't change our minds to ask for all of them to wait until the results of whether Gaara is alive or not. In the end, they agreed.

Waiting around for any more news from Lady Chiyo and (y/n) doesn't help either. I thought it would help keep my mind off about it if I protect the village. Standing guard on the walls for any more enemies who heard about Gaara and wants to attack us next. However, it doesn't help at all. My thoughts are filled with Gaara. I'm hoping he's alive. Fear to hear he's gone. I wish he's returning right now. Trying to not imagine myself looking at his dead body before it'll be six feet in the ground.

'Stop it!' I scream to myself while I hold my head with my hands and my heart beating crazily. My panic attacks are coming back. I drop on my knees to control my breathing, but it's not working. The thought of him breaking our promise and me being alone again hurts.

"Kagome," I hear a familiar voice and a hand touching my head. I look up to see Ebizo. "A strong member of the Anbu Black Ops. and a beautiful woman shouldn't be on the ground while on watch."

"S-Sorry, Ebizo..." I said and slowly got up.

"No need to be sorry to me," He said and looked out in the fields. "Baki told me what you've done since Sis and I last saw you, which was when you joined the Anbu at age eight. Then, he told me what you were going through these past months."

"I'm sorry that I didn't bother to try to come visit you both." I said, not looking at him. "Then again, Chiyo said to not come back again."

"She was just disappointed. She didn't want another child under her watch to go dark like Sasori."

My mommy asked Lady Chiyo to take care of me while she and Daddy looked for Ray and fought the One-Tailed Beast. After their deaths, Uncle Baki barely had time to take care of me nor had any time to talk to me, so he asked her to watch over me for a while. Ebizo didn't have a problem with it, but she was in between. She wouldn't say no to letting a child go without a roof over their head, but she didn't want to have another child to end up like her grandson. Who is confirmed to be a member of the Akatsuki. She was also well known for my Shikotsumyaku and against me to ever use it, which I wasn't happy about. So, when I was forced to be an Anbu after killing three men, she told both my uncle and I that she was done taking care of me. Said I seemed to know how to already.

"I'm worried about her, you know. She'll be fighting her grandson after all."

"I am too." He speaks calmly. "These panic attacks of yours must be a bother, huh?"

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