Chapter 40 - Searching

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Gaara's Point of View

"Alright, I should be there within half an hour," I mumble to myself as I make my way to the village that I believe Kagome is currently located.

It's been a month since I had last seen and heard from her. The next day after my meeting with the council men, who continued to assist the idea of arranged marriage, I went straight to my office as usual. I next came across a note with Kagome's handwriting on my deck. I opened it to only read four words. Four words that can hurt every part of your body at the same time. That note said, "I release you. Goodbye".  It took a second to figure out what she met. She broke up with me and left the village without permission. I went to see if (y/n) and Kiba were still staying in the village. However, the villagers they were staying with, a part of (y/n)'s clan, said they left hours before I arrived. I went to Kankuro and Baki and asked them if Kagome had told them anything about leaving. They have no knowledge. With that, I locked myself in my room depressed, confused, and angry at myself. Kankuro soon got word that one of the shinobis said Kagome came in the Kazekage Building to look for me while I was at the meeting. A shock wave memory came to me when I noticed the door at the meeting was slightly opened. That's when I realized she had heard about the arranged married plan and now knows that the main reason our relationship was a secret is because the council would disapprove. And she heard them how much they disapprove her to be my wife. All that was in a day.

While I was getting ready to find Kagome on my own, Kankoru stopped me. He admitted that he didn't want to stop me, but he knew that it's what Kagome wanted. He believed she wanted me to see if the arranged marriage works. She, knowing the council men besides her uncle, wanted me to be with someone they and the people at the Sand approve of. My heart wanted to find her right away. My heart wanted to tell her not to end the love we share. But my head and older brother got the best of me. I asked myself what if she's tired of being in a hidden relationship, and that's why she left. I thought she wanted space or has fallen out of love. With that, I stayed and continued my duties as well as agreeing to meet Hakuto, the woman I was to be married with. Long story short, it wasn't a clear match. Yes, I thought she was beautiful and suitable, but she couldn't replace Kagome. Her beauty, her smile, her eyes, and her warmth can never be replaced. Apparently, I was the same for Hakuto when she ran away with her true lover and started a new life at the Leaf Village. That was after another council member wanted me dead, but his life ended instead. All that was in two weeks.

Another week passed, and the council members still wanted to continue to search for a future wife. However, I straight up declined their proposal and ended the meeting short. I grew to miss Kagome more each day and finally decided to find her. Once I do, I would apologized to her for never telling her about the council members. Tell her how I kept thinking of her while meeting with Hakuto. Ask her why she would ever think it's okay to leave me knowing my love for her. Then beg her to return home with me like nothing happened. With that, I told Kankuro I'm leaving and he's in charge, visited the (l/n) family to see where the other family from (y/n)'s clan are located and where they'll go next, and I started my search for a week and a half. No sleep, no stops, and no food.

"OW!" I hear an old man's voice from down below me. Although it's dark now, I see him rubbing his back and his items on the ground once I reach the ground.

I fly down closer to him, "Excuse me, sir. Are you alright?" I ask him.

"Oh, yes," he answers me. "My back pulled up, but I'm fine- OW!"

The old man had bent down to pick up his items, but his back cracks and stops him again. I raise my arm and summons my sand to pick up all his items back in his basket and hand it to him. Then the sand carries him up so he can rest on my sand while I take him back home.

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