Chapter 16 - Allies (part three)

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Author: A lot of switching to one person to another person and back to the first then second again type of chapter lol.


Gaara's Point of View

"Gaara... Is that what they called you?" Kimimaro asks me, then raised his hands up in my direction. "Digital Shrapnel."

From a distance, I see something small yet fast coming towards me. I used my sand to protect me from his attack. Once it did, I can sense his attack is still forcing its way through the sand. However, it is too thick for it to go through. Yet it did, but fell to the ground. I look down to see what he has used, which looks like bones.

'I see... So he is from the Kaguya clan...' I thought to myself. A part of me is relief that Kagome isn't here and meets him.

"Impulsive, aren't you?" I said to him.

"You have a teammate who is half of the same clan as I am, yes?" He asked me, which I didn't answer. "Is she with you?" I remain silent. "I see, she's not. However, most likely, somewhere with your team."

"If I may ask, what does Orochimaru want with her?" I ask him. I feel my heart beating fast as my blood is boiling. Not wanting to hear what he wants to do to her. However, I need to confirm it.

"The Kaguya clan is no more... All but myself and Kagome," He answers my question. "As a gift from Lord Orochimaru, he wants to help me recreate the Kaguya Clan. She, whether she accepts it or not, will also assist me as my partner."

'Die...!' My hatred screams in my head.

Kagome's Point of View

"So, one fights with puppets and the other fights with wires," the enemy ninja said when I got him in a small spider web of thin steel wires.

"Hey, wait a second, when you showed up here, weren't you both in a group?" Kiba asks us.

"The other two went on ahead," Kankuro answered his question. "You guys are weak so-"

"Listen moron... These guys are out of the ordinary," Kiba said. I turn to look at him, which is when I notice his expression. Then see him smell the air. "Behind you, Kagome!"

Kiba warned me as I turned to my left. Another enemy ninja showed himself from the trees at the ready to attack me. Before I could get one of my spools that I'm not using to shield me, Kankuro moved and blocked him. He grabbed hold of the enemy ninja's arm while he grabbed hold of Kankuro's face.

"Thanks..." I said to him.

"Don't mention it..." Kankuro said.

"I can't... move..." Kiba mumbled to himself, which I heard.

"Then don't move," I remind Kiba. "You'll lose more blood and left with zero chakra. Then die from both. We both know your dog doesn't want that. Even (y/n)."

Kiba face sadden of hearing me mention (y/n)'s name. It saddens me as well. I heard Sasuke hurt her so badly from other Leaf Shinobis. Although, they said she's stable and in the hospital. It didn't stop me from worrying. I wanted to see her, but our mission is to help the Leaf Village as allies. After this, I'm going to see how bad her wound is. Hopefully, it's healed.

"What's this guy?" Kankuro's voice broke my thoughts as I see him struggle. The other enemy ninja put his whole hand onto Kankuro's face.

"I leave this to you, Sakon! Do it!" The other enemy ninja, still surrounded by my wires, shouted it him.

"Be careful!" Kiba shouts. "They enter the body and start to fuse!"

"It's too late!" The man named Sakon said. Trying to fuse with Kankuro's body. However, it didn't work. A shock face has been worn to see that his jutsu didn't work. "I can't believe..."

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