Chapter 35 - War Begins with a Family Reunion

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Author: So an error came after I had publish it. It took me today to realized my writing wasn't saved. Meaning I had to re-write everything!!!


Termari's Point of View

"I wonder what he sees," I hear Kagome mumble out loud while we, along with comrades, are watching Gaara who is waiting for the enemy to appear.

"You could go up there and ask-"

"No!" She cuts me off. "At the moment, he is our captain and Kazekage. I can't let my emotions overtake me."

All five nations are in a middle of a war with Madara. To protect our lands, people, the five kages, and Naurto. After Madera officialally announced war and his plans to summon the Ten Tails. That's if he captures Naruto. All ninjas from different lands are split in different units; Mid-Range, Close-Range, Intermediate-Range, Long-Range, and Special-Range. With the other three units that are Backup Medical, Sensory, and Cammando. Kagome and I are placed in the same unit which is Long-Range Battle Unit along with Shikamaru. Sadly, split up.

Although Kagome is skilled to be in this unit. She's also skilled enough to be in Close-Range or Special-Range Battle Units. I'm glad she's with me. That's mostly because I'm concern about her mental health this war will cause her. Or should I say Gaara mostly feels this way.


Gaara, Kankuro, and I were talking in Kankuro's room while he building more of his puppets. Our discussion went from war, Madera, Sasuke, and then Naruto. Before we could end it, Gaara added another topic to discuss.

"I'm worried about Kagome..." Gaara admitted to us.

"It's neutral to be worried for your 'soon-to-be officially call her your girlfriend's' safety," I said to him.

"It's not that..." he said. "I know she can fight well. As long as she don't use her kekkei genkai so much. What concerns me the most is her mental health."

Kankuro and I didn't speak for a while. We remember how we first met Kagome. She wasn't hesitant to kill Kankuro and looked crazy when she wore a fake smile and spoke so happily. Even remembered how she begged Gaara to kill her and first showed us her Shikotsumyaku which feared us. After her year long mission, she turned so much worse. Smoking, pushed us out, panic attacks, killing targets that are already dead, and not caring of her serious injuries.

"I'm saying this because we all care for her," Gaara continues. "What units we'll all be in, rather we're in the same or not, we need to watch over her... In case something happens..."

I knew he wouldn't say it. He knew she'll go nuts if something happens to Kankuro and I. But what will make her sanity go away is if she sees Gaara's life go away.

End of Flashback

"You're still scared you'll go nuts again, but to the max, huh?" I asks her and she nods. "There's no going back. You had a choice and you choose to fight with us."

"I don't regret it," she said to me.

"Besides," I said to her while looking up at Gaara. "Gaara is strong. You shouldn't worry. I promise you, as his big sister, that he won't ever leave this world."

Many long Fights Later - Gaara's Point of View

An unexpected war. We went from fighting a bunch of Zetsus who can transform into us if getting a piece of our chakras. To fighting the fallen ninjas. Kabuto had done the impossible by bringing back the last Kages and send them to where I lead my team. One of them being my father.

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