Chapter 39 - The Third Wheel

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Author: Kagome's adult outfit! Credit of oc goes to the artist! Also, this chapter will be a short one.


A Months Later - Kagome's Point of View

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! YOU'RE MAD ABOUT THAT!?!?" I hear Kiba's voice screaming from his and (y/n)'s room.

"YES!! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A MUTT, MUTT!!!" I hear (y/n) scream back at him.

"SERIOUSLY!?! AHHH! YOU'RE BEING CRAZY!!!" Kiba shouts at her.

'Yep... They're at it again...' I thought to myself.

"OH! I'M BEING CRAZY?? NO! THIS IS BEING CRAZY!!!" After (y/n)'s screams at Kiba, I hear loud bump on the wall that sounds like she pushed him against it.

"F***! Whoa~!" Kiba said in pleasure.

'Can I next get any sleep!?' I complained more while pillows against my ears.

I try not to listen, but it's unavoidable when you're trying to sleep in your room while the people next door are noisy. It goes on almost every night. In hotel rooms and (y/n)'s clan member's homes. They would argued and then had sex at the end. Every night, I wish they could stop. Akamaru and Spicy even start sleeping in my room. Knowing they'll do it again and again. Tonight, they're somewhere outside of the hotel. Leaving me alone to listen to the crazy people having sex.

'Maybe this is a bad idea. Why did I leave Gaara?' I thought to myself again and let out a sigh.

Here's the thing. I didn't tell nor requested for permission to leave the village. I just up and left. Didn't tell anyone where I was going or when I'll be returning. I left a note to Gaara before I disappeared. It's for him to know that it's okay for him to meet this Hakuto woman. It's okay if he wants to see other opinions. It's okay if he's going to be wedded with someone who isn't me. It will hurt me if he does like someone else, but I'll just have to get used to it. Gaara is the Kazekage of the Village Hidden in Sand. This means he'll need to be set with an arranged marriage and be seen at a strong family. If I don't fit that image for the village's standards, then why stay there? I might as well live in other villages. One that Gaara can't find me. One where I can find a new happiness just like he'll find his with his wife and the Sand Village.

"It's for the best-"

"Ahh~" I hear (y/n) scream in pleasure. "Kiba-kun, I told you not to release them on me-"

"Shut up!" I hear Kiba order (y/n) and then (y/n) making louder moans. "Listen to your master, you naughty fur ball!"

"Ahh! Yes! Master! Meow!" (y/n) continues to moan louder while I hear their movements get louder and crazier.

'Is this what married people do!?!? Will Gaara do that to his wife!?!?! Either way, I'm in hell!'

The Next Day In The Afternoon

"Are you okay, Kagome?" (y/n) asks me while we all walk to our next destination.

"Yep, I just didn't sleep well again. I'm fine," I answer her, forcing a smile.

"You should sleep on Akamaru," Kiba suggests to me. "His fur always soft like cloud."

'Both him and Spicy left me alone to die!!' I complained in my thoughts.

"S-so," I change the subject. "(y/n)-chun, what's the village called again? Who's the family, and what's their Shizengan?"

"Actually, I was invited there," She answers. "An old man named Iroh, who has no Shizengan, invited me and whoever I'm traveling with for tea and asked for assistants."

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