Chapter 29 - Jealous (part three)

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Third Person Point of View

Gaara and Kagome walked back to the Kazekage Building in complete silence. Neither of them have spoken a single word to each other. Kagome is still upset with Gaara when he claims her misbehaving and believing Yumi's and her friends' lies. Not to mention, he was rude to Natsu. While Gaara is still full of rage that Kagome is with another man who isn't him, which is not clear as to why he's feeling this way. As well as still confusing why Kagome is acting up. Once the two have made it to the building and went to Gaara's office, Gaara locks the door to make sure no one interrupts them and closed the windows with the curtains. He doesn't bother to sit at his desk. He feels if he sits in the chair, it would be Kazekage business. However, it's not. It's between him and Kagome. So, he stands in front of his desk while Kagome stands six feet away from him.

"So..." Kagome starts off but doesn't know what to say.

Kagome is a little confused as to why Gaara showed up unexpectedly and wanted to talk to her. She secretly blushed to his bold actions but was still angry at him. She refused to forgive him so easily for something she didn't do nor hear her side of the story. She hopes he's planning to give her a full apology and let her speak.

"So..." Gaara repeats while also not knowing what to say. He thinks for a few seconds and clears his throat before he speaks. "About what happened yesterday, you ran off before I could finish."

"Because you accused me for what I didn't do and believe a pretty girl's words." Kagome said.

'Ahhh, I see now. I accused her. I guess that's fair, but I need to be sure.' Gaara thought to himself.

"Was your uncle's words about you burning food due to lost in thoughts true or not?" He asks me.

"It's true..." Kagome said, annoyed. "But it was only in sudden deep thoughts."

"What were you thinking about?" He asks her, but she looks away from him. She doesn't want to admit her jealousy with girls loving on him was all she thought about. "If you won't answer, then I will ask another question. Did you harm Yumi and her friends?"

Kagome could barely answer that. In a way, she did just to protect Gaara from fan girls. She had to use her wires to stop them from getting close, blocked and pushed them out of the way, and even thrown them away. It would lead to harm, but she had made sure none were at all injured. With Yumi, all she did was make her tripped over.

"Why are you not answering the question?" Gaara asks her.

"Because I'm your bodyguard, remember?" Kagome said to him. "I am to protect you, and that's what I did. Protecting you from crazy fan girls who have zero understanding of social distancing and any other danger. I had to pull them off you, kick them out of the building, and all. However, I know very well that I did not dangerously harm them. Yumi didn't have a single scratch on her 'perfect model' body and bones."

"I see..." Gaara said. "If you didn't hurt them, did you threaten them?"

Gaara watched Kagome's eyes widen but said nothing. When he ran into Yumi and her friends to report Kagome's actions. They showed him their bruises and injuries that looked fresh. Claiming she had threatened, she would kill them for no reason. Gaara still refused to believe them, but the proof was there. If Kagome said she didn't lay a finger on them, I can look into that clearly on that. However, her not answering about threats made it hard to believe her.

"I did threaten her..." Kagome finally answers, and Gaara widens his eyes. "I don't know what words she said to you, but I said for all of them leave so they could not bother you while working... and..."

'And? And what?' Gaara asks in his thoughts.

Kagome sees no point in telling Gaara everything. Her heart just feels broken to even admit any feelings. Even with him not sitting in his Kazekage chair, it still feels like she's being questioned by the Kazekage. She felt like she's talking to a stranger who wouldn't allow her to explain herself without having a judgmental and cold face. She's not talking to Gaara she used to have night conversations on the rooftop every time she comes back from a mission. This Gaara is only about the people's words that are against hers.

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