Chapter 10 - Kagome vs (y/n)

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Author: I was writing this part of the story while lisenting to this song and I thought it would be perfect to add on. Anyways, for (y/n)'s side of the story, read My Long Jounary as a Shinobi (and to his heart).


Kagome's Point of View

After Sasuke got away, I stare at (y/n) as she stares back at me. I can tell that she's analyzing my "true self". Although, my old true self was the little girl who was with her family with big dreams of her own. I can no longer have that. The new true self is my Anbu life. I follow orders, kill, and be alone. I won't lie and say the life I had for a month with (y/n) was the life I wanted, but it could never last. I shake all thoughts in my head and calm myself to be ready for this fight.

"I understand now," (y/n) is the one to first speak. "You were told to pretend to be a Genin to get information from inside the Leaf Village. You asked me to give you a tour so you can sneak your team here. Probably was also told to watch over Gaara due to that weird jutsu he did. You weren't allow to continue to the Chunin Exams if the Hokage or other Jounins notice your skills."

I didn't response to her words. I just stand there motionless. I bet I surprised her with my acting skills. She quick to catch on. However, as shinobis, you don't complete a mission with conversations. Nor have them during a war. Especially, when going against a member of an Anbu Black Ops. from another village like myself. You finish it with one strike or you'll be finish.

"There's one thing I don't understand. Why do you felt you have need to be around try to be my friend-" I cut her off by releasing my wires to come at her.

(y/n) is quick to dodge and continue to dodge more while I send more wires to chance and hit her. Soon enough, I finally caught her right wrist. I pull the wires to drag her on the ground, but she stubbornly continue to stand her ground. I notice that she closed her eyes and opened them to reveal her red eyes which are her Fire Shizengan. At that moment, she raise her free hand to blast fire at me. I jump, but didn't loosen the wires as I already know that was her goal. I continue to dodge while trying to pull her down on the ground. Of course, that was just to distract her. My wires caught her left wrist and wraps it all over her hand, so she can stop her fire jutsu. Then I made it wrap against her thigh. I tighten the wires enough to make her scream in pain and pulled her down to the ground.

'Should I let her live...?' I ask myself. I don't know why I bothered to ask that question. We are in a war. Gaara should be treated by now and ready to turn the Leaf Village into ashes. What is the point to spare one life? There can't be a living human after the mission is complete.

I get the last of my spools of thin threads of steel wires ready to take her life. That was until I feel my wires burning my skin. I let go to later realized (y/n) had heated the wires and her plan worked. I noticed quickly that she took off the wires on her right hand and is about to release the ones of her left hand from her thigh. I quickly stop her by dragging her with full force then made her hit the tree on her side. I pulled out my Kunai and jump up to throw it at her head. However, in seconds, she increase her speed with her flames to jumps towards me and tackles me right in the stomach with her fist. Then she bites hard on my right arm that's holding the wires wrapped around my hand and thigh. Of course, that worked as well. To get her off me, I kicked her stomach to push her away. We both land on the ground a few feet away from each other.

I know she wants a real match. Our first match was a total fake. I guess she really wants to have a fair one so badly. Doesn't she know that only one can live? Apparently not. But, I know she wants more answers.

"Yes..." I finally speak in a serious tone. "Our match was a fake. Our plans would be ruin if I had continued. As well as you would've die and not come back with that jutsu I tried to use."

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