Chapter 48.

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Rowu's pov:

The next morning I was up before everyone else. This gave me the time to sit at the kitchen counter on a stool stuffing my face with cherry's stuck wondering if Ashton had reached Kimberly to share the news with her yet all by myself.

Now this may not sound too appealing to some of you but it was the only time along since I've been here and its been 2 and a half weeks. I'm used to being alone most of the time. I don't normally like being alone but right now it's what I needed and I was enjoying it that was until I got interrupted by someone leaning over whispering in my ear.

"You're eating my cherry's baby." It says lowly.

I turn around slowly peaking at who it was. "I didn't see a name on them." I shrug seeing harry being his annoying self. Two can play this game.

"Why would I put my name on them? It's my fridge."

"Should've been up earlier." I take another one out eating it setting the stem next to the package, he watches me do so. Leaning over he takes the package from me, pulling out a stool next to me and sitting on it. He pulls one out breaking it in half holding one up in the air. I open my mouth wide and he gives it to me. Once I eat mine he eats his placing the stems next to the pile I have already started.
"I've been thinking this morning."  I tell Harry staring at him.

"Oh really? About what?"

"Ashton and Kimberly." I say like it's nothing, like it's normal, like I didn't torture Ashton and they didn't try to kill me days beforehand.


"Last time she was here you told her you would put her on the shoot to kill list. Did you?" I ask him remembering him telling her he would do so.

"I already did yesterday night but only for you baby."

I ignore the affectionate name. "Do you think he's told her yet?"

"It's possible or he could have ditched her. He seemed pretty frightened of you."

"You think so?" I question, he nods eating another cherry.

"Want another one?" He dangles it in the air above me.

I lean back opening my mouth again. "Do you think I'll be safe?"

"I told you I wouldn't let anyone hurt you again. Not me, not your father, not anyone. Do you not trust me?"

"It's not that I don't trust you. You can't protect me from everything. Not forever at least."

"I can sure as heck try my best too." He tells me looking into my eyes intensely. I'm the one to break it and to look away.

We stop talking hearing light footsteps coming our way. The door makes a small squeaking noise, opening shortly after. "Why are you guys up so early?" Liam asks us not expecting to see us in the kitchen at this time in the morning.

"Why are you up so early?" Harry asks not answering Liam's question, instead asking his own question.   

"I asked you first."  Liam says.

"I got hungry and I couldn't sleep." I tell Liam hoping it will satisfy him. He only looks at me before going to the fridge grabbing a glass of water and walking back out.

Harry's posture relaxing seeing Liam leaving. "What's the plans for today?" I ask him

"I don't know. I never make plans, whatever happens, happens."

"Okay, then what do you do all day?"

"Depends on what happens." He shrugs his shoulders giving me a short answer.

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