Chapter 53.

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Rowyn's pov:

The door to my room opens and harry pops his head in peaking at me. Once he spots that I'm awake he walks in not saying a word to me. He walks over sitting on the corner of my bed. I feel it dip down on the edge when he sits. I take a deep breath awaiting what's to come. He pears up at me breathing slowly.

"I'm not sorry for what I did." I cross my arms leaning onto the back of the bedframe.

"I know you aren't."

"Good, I don't like her." I add not doubting that he already knows but I had to say it.

"You've made that very clear."

"Great. Now thats taken care of I'm going to go eat." I say finally walking towards the door to leave.

"Not so fast, give me your knife." He reaches for my arm but I don't let him catch me. As he grabs nothing but air he looks up at me.

"What no. She had it coming for weeks now, you're not taking my knife." I yell, this is ridiculous if she didn't want cut she should have backed off, I warned her last time.

"Oh but I am." He goes to step forwards and I step backwards at the same time, reaching for the door handle. "Rowyn, give me your knife. You can have it back before the dining party, until then I'm keeping it." He steps forward another step, I try to twist the handle but it doesnt open. He locked it from the outside before he came in. He puts his hand in his pocket taking out a key dangling it in the air. "You can leave once I have your knife."

I look at the key hanging from his hand. "I'll get it back before the dining party? I can still go, right?"

"I swear to you, Rowyn, if you give it to me now you can get it back beforehand and you can still go. I'll let you leave the room after too." He opens his hand holding it out in front of me. I move my hand to my back pocket pulling out my knife. I set it in his hand moving over to the side clearing the path to the door. He closes his hand putting my knife into his pocket. Taking the key he unlocks the door, opening it and stepping aside.

"Thank you." I walk out of my room and down the hall I turn around seeing harry is following me. "What are you doing?" I ask him annoyed.

"Making sure you don't try to kill anyone else today."

I scoff rolling my eyes. "I won't, satisfied?" I question lifting my eyebrows up. I turn facing the other direction mumbling. "Unless it's Bella."  Turning back around fast enough not to make a scene.

He sighs. "If I have to get you out of another fight, I swear to you that I won't be half as understanding as I was last time. You are this close to pushing me over the edge and baby you don't want to do that." He grits towards me clenching his teeth. "If I walk away right now there isn't going to be any conflict."

"Yes, harry would you stop following me like a creepy stalker now?" I begin walking down the hall to the kitchen looking behind me every so often to make sure he isn't still following me. I walk down the stairs and down the other hallway pushing the kitchen door open.

Upon opening the door I spot a head of curly hair sitting at the table but not facing the door and even though they aren't I can tell exactly who it is. "You've got to be kidding me." I turn around rubbing my face, this day can't get any worse. literally any worse. "What are you doing." I walk over to his chair standing in front of it, my back turned to Liam who is sitting across from harry.

He looks down at a plate and a fork lying on the table in front of him. "Eating, obviously."

"I'm not playing your games."

"Then leave." He purses his lips looking up at me once more.

"I'm going to find the others." I walk out of the room, starting my quest to find them. Down the hallways checking every room. Finally I find them in the lounging area on a couch but there's more than three there's five. Zayn, Niall, Louis, Liam and finally Harry. I groan in frustration fisting my hands to keep from pulling my hair up. "Stop following me!" I scream so loud my voice cracks and they turn around all of them shocked except for harry.

I run down the halls looking for a place to hide where nobody would find me. As I'm running through the halls I stop in front of Harry's door. I wipe my tears opening the door. I walk to the master bedroom shutting and locking the door before walking to the shower. Sliding down the shower wall I curl my legs up to my chest. I don't want to be here. I miss cater, I miss outside but most of all I miss the creak and skipping rocks in order to calm down. I don't have that here. I wish I could tell Carter about everything I've been through, everything I've seen.

I stand up shutting the shower door, sliding back down the wall I lift my hand up turning on the shower head. I sit back letting the warm water run down me soaking my clothes. I begin to cry, everything becoming to much. I need to let it out now before it turns into something else. I want to go home, I hate everyone here, I hate this place, I want to go but I can't leave, not yet. Not until this is over, until my father is gone and Kimberly is gone also along with Ashton.

I want to go but I don't want to leave Harry yet, I just need a break, a break from everything. I believe Harry when he said he has enemy's everywhere but is it bad that I wouldn't care if we were hunted down as long as we were together? My cries start to get louder and I'm only hoping that the water pressure drowns them out. The water fades colder as the moments go by, I stay under the water starting to shiver. My eyes burn and are no doubt red by now.

The sound of knocking rings through the bathroom. "Rowyn!" Harry yells from behind the door.

"Go away!" I try to yell but my throat is scratchy and strained.

"Are you okay? Can I come in?"

"I said go away!" I try again but there isnt any movement showing he had walked away.

"I'm coming in." There's a small pause before he walks in, opening the door at a slow speed. Seconds later he comes from behind the door. "Rowyn?" He questions before seeing me sitting on the floor of the shower, soaked clothing dripping water and my shivering body shaking.

"I want to leave." I cry out to him holding my arms open. He gives me a sympathetic look turning the water off and handing me loads of towels.

"Soon baby, soon." He begins attempting to dry me off but it doesn't seem to work very well, my clothes too wet to happen. He sets the towel down standing up. Grabbing another one he hands it to me.

He looks at me for a few moments before talking. "Take your clothes off." My eyes widen at the statement. "I'll get you some more." With that he exits the bathroom leaving me alone.

I stand staring at the door for only a second before taking off my clothes dropping them on the floor beside me. Wrapping the towel tightly around me tucking the loose end in I hear a knock at the door. "Are you done?" Harry asks waiting with my clothes.

"Yeah." I call back reaching up to rub my nose.

"Here you go." I take the clothing he hands me. He walks back out letting me to dress alone in the bathroom. I walk over to the mirror setting the clothes on the sink as to not get them wet. I let my towel drop to the ground first picking up the ACDC shirt and sliding it on, next the plain pair of grey sweatpants I've seen him in before. After getting dressed I stand there staring at the my reflection. I reach down turning on the faucet and splashing m face. I look awful, I can't believe I look like this right now. At least I look better than I feel. I turn the doorknob opening the door to see harry waiting outside.

"Feel better?" He asks seeing me in his clothes he looks me up and down smoothly. I shake my head no sitting down on his bed. "It's gonna be okay."

"Don't lie to me. We both know it won't." I lay down on the bed staring at the ceiling until my eyes finally close. If I felt the bed dip down beside me but ignored it, nobody has to know about it.

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