Chapter 36.

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Rowyn's pov:

"What is it Niall?" Harry frantically asks

"There's heavily armed guard's making their way to you right now."

We both instinctively look towards the doorway to sure enough find 6 men coming straight towards us.

"Harry what do we do?!" I can't keep my eyes off the men as they get closer and closer to us by the second.

"Back room exit." Is all he says pulling my hand to drag me along with him.

"Harry we're going too fast! Slow down! I can't keep up I'm going to trip!" I yell at him the wind whooshing in my ears.

"Either run faster or die your choice!"

"Got it!" I look behind us to see nobody I let out a small breath. He slams open the back exit door which in return emits a loud siren. Great just what we needed the attention and everyone to know where we are.

"Get to the boys. Get in the helicopter when it comes and listen to them!"

"I'm not leaving you! Harry the alarm just alerted everybody in that venue that we went out the back exit! They obviously knew we would try to leave which means they probably somehow recognized us and my bet was that Helene told my father which also means he knows I'm here and you are too! Think about it! You kidnapped me he has it out for you now. Listen to me when I say he will send everyone he can find to do so after you!" Harry shifts legs crossing his arms. "So I'm not leaving you." I step closer to him.

"That should give you even more of a reason to run. Do you want to go back?" He steps closer to me.

I let out a breath my lips almost touching his. "No. I don't want to go back."

He pulls my waist with one arm grabbing my face with the other. Kissing me gently. He separates before kissing me a little rougher backing up completely looking behind me.

"Louis and Liam come with me. Niall, and Zayn take Rowyn back to the facility make sure she's safe and that nothing happens to her. If something does it won't be pretty." He threatens them a dark glint in his eye. He turns to me pushing me to go. I walk over to the Niall and Zayn. After I get there both Louis and Liam head over to Harry.

We start to walk away but before they disappear I turn around. Seeing them with their guns out pointed towards the doorway in a stiff stance all with straight faces. I shouldn't be leaving it's my father that's after them because of me. Granted he did kidnap me but he's not all that bad. He's actually sweet sometimes.

"A little faster, Rowyn, please." Niall grits through his teeth probably terrified from the threat he had received from Harry just moments before.

"Right, sorry." I pick up my pace as we run to the building we were supposed to meet at. We continue our way up the building onto the roof.

Zayn goes out first with me and niall both following behind. "Niall he isn't here!"

"What do you mean he isn't here?!" Niall says quickly, pushing past me through the doorway.

"I mean he isn't here!"

"What do we do now?" My hands are shaking from anxiety. I've left Harry behind along with Louis and Liam to somehow fight against my father and his men all while dean isn't here to be our escape like he was supposed to be leaving me in a frantic mess.

"We try to reach him on the coms." Niall says quickly motioning for Zayn to do it.

"Okay I've got it." Zayn reaches for his com setting it to a different frequency. "Dean! Dean! Dean are you there?" He grunts waiting a few seconds before trying again. "Hello? Dean are you there? Where are you?"

"Anything at all?" Niall asks furrowing his eyebrows.

"No, just static." Zayn reply's with a concentrated thinking look on his face.

"Great." I mumble terrified.

"Okay, so either he's terrible at responding or he's dead."

"Harry picked him out meaning he's the best or close up there so he's most likely dead."

"Try reaching Harry, Rowyn."

"Okay." I reach for my com pressing the button. "Harry? Harry?" No response is given the silence eating me up inside.  "Harry? Please answer....." a single tear slips down my cheek but I wipe it quickly.

"What do you want rowyn? I'm a little busy right now!" He finally answers a gun shots ringing in the coms along with his voice.

"Harry" I take in a deep breath shakily. Thanking the gods he's okay. "It's dean he isn't here we tried to reach him but his coms are down. He's not answering."

"We're on our way." He says the coms going silent.

We're left to wait for their arrival. Sitting on the edge of the roof overlooking the city. To be honest it would have been more enjoyable if I wasn't running for my life trying not to be seen or caught. The whole city was lit up. You could see people walking in the streets without a care in the world but everything would have been different if they new they were walking next to the dining venue that held some of the most wanted people along with mafia kings and queens themselves.

I watch in awe of the views before me only looking back when the door is thrown open. "Come on we need to hurry I don't think we were followed but we can't take any chances." Harry tells us out of breath running back down the stairs just as quickly as he came up them.

Zayn runs down along with Niall leaving me to be in the back of them. They all had guns out, only me being left without one. Not that I wanted one anyways.

"Rowyn, follow me and this time stay close." Harry keeps me beside him looking everywhere.



Another one! Yayyyy maybe even another one tomorrow if we're lucky. I think I've got some of the next chapter planned out already. xx

Also if there is anything you'd like to see in the book I can try to include it but you've got to message me! xx

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