Chapter 22.

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Rowyn's PoV:

"Louis?" I question zayn brought me to the level below this and told me this was Louis quarters and to go in by myself.

"I'm here!" He hollers from the other room.
Walking to the kitchen where his voice came from there's shuffling around.

"Whatcha doin?" I ask him curiously seeing him looking for a pan in the cupboard.

"Making a supper dish." He gives me a small smile. "You can stay if you'd like."

"Okay, thank you."

"Anytime, Rowyn." He gives a tight smile

"So what are you making?"

"Chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in Parma ham with a side of homemade mash."

"Oooh sounds fancy." I giggle softly and he nods laughing with me.

"It is quite fancy I guess." He hums out turning the on the oven and preparing the meal.

"So why did you run out earlier?" I question looking for any signs of a faulty answer.

"What do you mean?"

"You ran out of the room all of the sudden. I only thought it was odd since you had just walked in."

"Oh, I forgot I had to make dinner." He tries to lie failing miserably as his eyes never met mine while he was speaking. Obviously avoiding eye contact was a major hint.

"Oh yeah, I guess." I let him slide by with the lie. I'll figure it out later I don't want to ruin dinner over this.

He finishes wrapping the Parma ham over the chicken setting it onto the pan before setting it into the oven and turning it on 350 degrees.

He unlocks his phone setting a timer.
"Would you like to go find the boys with me? It shouldn't take that long we can ask Madeline to let us wheel Harry down here too." He shrugs looking questioningly at me awaiting my answer.

"Yeah, sure, lets go."

"Okay, come on then." He rushes me out the door.

"I have absolutely no clue where we are going so you have to lead the way." I tell him huffing. I hate not knowing where I am or where I'm going.

"First we are heading to find Niall & Zayn they are probably in the game room and painting room."

"You guys have a game room and a painting room!" I ask him astonished

"Of course we do." He responds in a duh tone making me roll my eyes.

We continue walking down the hallway until we reach the end. The first thing I notice are the color changing lights along with the white colored gaming chairs centered around the tv.

"Wow" the words leave my mouth unexpectedly.

"I know. My exact words when I first saw it." He chuckles knocking his shoulder into mine.

"That wasn't meant to come out. It just slipped." I look at him with wide eyes. That makes Louis laugh even more. "You know if you guys hadn't kidnapped me we probably would've been friends."

He stops in the middle of the room abruptly.
"I doubt it." Louis looks towards me with a more serious look.

"Why not?"

"I would have never put you into this life." He runs a hand through his hair ruffling it up.

" did you get into this life?"

"Harry, helped me out. I owed him so I'm helping him back."

"How did you owe him?" What does he mean 'owe him' I'm confused.

"I told you he helped me out."

"I don't get any more details?" I ask him feeling a little annoyed now.

"No. Not right now, maybe one day."

"Okay." I grumble out. Why would he tell me that if he wasn't going to finish and keep me wondering?

"Lets go get the boys they are in the painting room." He opens the door attached to the game room. Entering the room there is different pictures painted everywhere. Zayn is in a white shirt with paint splattered all over it while Niall is sitting in the corner watching and to our surprise Liam is there too.

Zayn looks straight at me and smirks widely. "Guess you found him." He shakes the spray bottle and starts drawing. The paint comes out purple covering the wall.

"Yeah, I did. In fact we have dinner made upstairs so we should all head up there."

"We?" Zayn questions squinting at me. All of the other boys turn heads to look at me.

"No, not we. Louis. He made it I just watched."

"Oh, did you." Zayn presses me.

"Yeah, I did. So come on." I roll my eyes walking out of the room standing to the side waiting for the others to follow after me.

Seconds later they do and I lead them to Harry's room. "Louis, talk to Madeline for us?"

"Yep." He nods heading off to find Madeline. I walk through Harry's door to the hospital room where he's staying.

"Hey." Is the first thing I say when I enter.

"What are you doing back here?" He questions. He's still sitting up in the same position he was when I left.

"Louis made dinner and wanted to bring you down to eat with us." I answer him walking over to where he's at.

Louis walks in "Madeline said it was fine but he can't stand up so in the wheelchair you go." Louis brings it over to the left side of the bed while he walks to the right side to Harry's arm giving him a warning look he unhooks the iv from his arm.

Walking back over to the left side I grab under one arm and Louis grabs under the other transferring Harry to the wheelchair.

After Harry is situated Louis wheels him outside the door where the others are waiting. We all walk to the elevator as a bunch. Piling in and pushing the button to go up on down one more floor we wait for the elevator to ring before stepping out and continuing our journey to Louis room.

Arriving Louis brings Harry straight to the dining room before dashing to the kitchen to get the food out with me following closely behind.

"Do you need me to get the plate and silverware out?" I ask politely just as my mother had always taught me to do.

"Yes please silverware are in the drawer next to the sink and the plates are in the cabinet above that." Louis tells me as he's pulling the steaming hot dish out of the oven.

I grab them before bringing them to the dining room table. "Here we are." I set one in front of every chair. The boys are now all seated waiting for Louis to bring in the food. Once he does we all grab a plate full and begin eating. After eating I'm brought back to 'my room' and locked in while Harry is brought back to his hospital room, the other boy head to there own rooms also.



This chapter was pretty boring for me to write, maybe it's because I wrote it I don't know but you can decide if it was or wasn't to you haha as usual tell me what you think!

I should be able to update the next chapter soon. I'm doing pretty well with keeping my work caught up and everything else separate from writing however I have been stuck in a small writers block for a few now and have no idea what to write.

With that being said I've been trying to work on some other writing projects to try and help get over it. You may see a completely finished book here soon so get ready!


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