Chapter 68.

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Rowyn's pov:

Circles. I'm spinning. Around and around we go. It reminds me of the spinning rides at the fair, except we are spinning upside down instead. I remember how those rides always made me sick.

Pain. My head hurts, slamming into the sides of the door and the back of the seat. My chest burns from the seat belt.

Feelings. I'm scared of stopping, because if we stop I might not be okay.

Burning. Something smells off, something is wrong.

Anger. Why me? Why does my life have to be like this?

The car comes to a stop....we're upside down, my hair hanging down over my face. My face is heating up and I begin to get dizzier by the second. I turn my head looking out the window, not seeing any signs of the car that was following us and eventually hit us.

I make quick work of unbuckling my seat belt, holding the ceiling so I dont fall. I unclick it but even with holding the ceiling I cant hold up my weight. My body falls against the roof of the car making a noise.

I hear someone from the front of the car. "Who is that?" Liam croaks, he's in pain.

"It's me." I go to crawl to the front but something stops me in my place. The right window is shattered and harry, he's gone. My eyes feel wet as I make my way to Liam. There's an ache spreading throughout my entire body, suddenly feeling the after affects of being tossed around in the car.

"Do you smell that?" I ask him trying not to breath in the sour smell too much. The smell is so strong its burning my nose, and whatever it's not a good smell.

Liam takes a moment to get a whiff of the smell I was talking about, and when he does he cringes. "The fuel line must have broke during the crash." He says trying to get himself out but to no avail he gives up immediately looking at me for help.

I pause. "What does that mean, if the fuel line is broke?"

"It means that its slowly dripping on the engine and heating up. We need to get out quickly, I dont know how much time we have before this all goes south so I need you to help me get out, now." He explains to me. My eyes widen, and I become more shaky than before, because what if we dont make it.

"I'm scared." I confess, his brown eyes soften. He's always had a soft spot for me, a protectiveness over me that I adore, in an older brother sort of sense.

"I know you are but I need you to focus, we'll get out. Listen to me carefully. I think my arm is broken, and the steering wheel is crushing my leg but it's not broken." He tells me moving the arm that isn't broken to rest it on my wrist. He must have noticed my hands were shaking but his touch was calming. "I need you to pop the wheel off in order for me to move, can you do that for me?"

I suck in a deep breath, it stings my lungs. "I can try." I tell him placing my other hand on his and silently thanking him.

"Okay, I need you to reach passed me and pull the lever at the bottom." I follow everything he says, trying not to lean on him too much. After I pull the lever he gives me other instructions. "Now twist the wheel until you hear a click then pull it up and out okay?"

"Got it." My hands are still a bit shaky as I do it. I twist the wheel all the way until I hear the small clicking noise and it becomes easier to move. I slowly lift it up and then I pull it out carefully as to not hit Liam's face.

I set the wheel on passenger seat where nobody was sitting. "I'm going to take off your seatbelt." I tell him trying to hold half of him up so he doesnt hit as hard as I did.  He nods and I undo it, holding him up he holds on with the other hand.

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