Chapter 63.

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Rowyn's pov:

My hand trembled, finger above the trigger, placed perfectly on it. "I'm so sorry." I whisper to the body in front of me, the figures hands are tied behind their backs. My eyes scaled up the person, however, there face was blurry, I couldn't see identify them. I couldn't control my body as my arm slowly went up, aiming at the figure. "No, no, no, no." I whisper louder.

"Don't be afraid, shoot him." A voice says, my fathers voice says. Making me look around the room quickly, trying to find where he is, where the voice is coming from. I pause staring into the void of blackness surrounding us until my eyes come back after I feel my hand tighten around the piece of metal, the trigger feeling colder, closer, than ever.

I turn away from the gun my eyes racking the body again to see that the face was revealed. The face showing the bushy eyebrows, brown curly hair, and green eyes staring into me, past me. My head turns upon hearing heavy boots smacking the ground, echoing around us. I see my father standing beside me, making me jump but my arm does not move, still pointed at harry.

"Don't be afraid, shoot him." He says making a cold shiver climb up my spine, making me shiver. I shake my head taking my left hand and trying to take my hand away from the gun or at least point it somewhere else. "It wont work, you can end this. Pull the trigger and it will all end." He taunts me, coming slightly closer.

"No! Don't make me do this!" I let out a violent sob. He only lets out an evil laugh. "I don't want to do this!" I cry out, my body shaking from the sudden feeling of the heavy gun becoming more prominent, more noticeable the more I didn't want to do it.

"You've got too. The faster you kill him the faster it ends."

"No! I can't! I won't do it!" I scream out to both him and Harry.

"Oh but you will." He says placing his hand on top of mine tightening his grip.

I stare at harry with tear covered eyes. "Why don't you run?" I scream at him, His feet aren't tied, only his hands. He could run but he doesn't. "Listen to me!" I yell again when he doesn't answer me, still staring at me, unmoving. "Harry! Please move! Don't make me do this!"

"He wont move, he can't."

"Why not what did you do?" I ask him trying to peal his fingers off of my hand but it doesnt move, I cant get away from him.

"I didn't do anything, you did. It's your dream, not mine. This is all your fault, you did this to yourself and to him. I wonder why that is. I wonder why I'm here." He points the gun to Harry's head instead of his chest.

"I don't know why you're here. I want you out! Help me get out of this!" I plead to him, my hands still trembling, my legs tight muscles feeling like they could let out any moment.

"Why would I do that? I'm quite enjoying this here." He says putting his other hand on my shoulder. "I'll help you with this." He says and before I know it a loud bang comes from in front of me. Gasping I squeeze my eyes shut, afraid to open them to see the scene that played out in front of me. I let out an extremely loud wail, falling down to the ground.

I lay on the ground too afraid to get up and too afraid to open my eyes. I think back on my fathers words. I can end it as soon as its over, but I did it, what does he want? Finally I open my eyes, seeing Harry lying on the floor with my father nowhere in sight. I slowly crawl to harry, his eyes shut but no blood or wound is seen on him as he's lying on the floor lifeless. "What do you want!" I scream shaking Harry, hoping he would awaken.

When no one answers I sit there unsure of what to do with myself as no one was here to guide me. "You love him, don't you?" A calm delicate voice says to me. I look up to the person whom the voice belongs to. "You do." She says smiling down on me.

"Mom?" I ask confused and partially scared yet thankful that she was the next person.

"I don't blame you." She says kneeling beside me, swiping Harrys hair out of his face. I only watch the interaction.

"What do I do?" I ask with a few tears leaking again, even with me trying to hold them back they still come through.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to get out of here." I cry to out her desperately clinging to her. Almost unsure if I really do want to leave. I hadn't seen her since I was 12 years old.

"Do you? She places her hand on my head running her fingers through my hair smoothening it out. I don't know how to respond. "Well, do you?"

"I do." I finally say sniffing roughly deciding my fate to leave this haunting place.

"If that is what you wish, you shall receive but remember what I taught you, remember your techniques." She leans down kissing the top of my head before taking my hand and squeezing it tightly. "I love you, Rowyn."


I woke up in my bed, cold sweats dripping down my forehead, my breath heavy and feeling restricted. Although I'm used to the nightmares this nightmare was far more advanced and detailed than the others.

I dont know how I got back home, the last thing I remember was being on the top of the parking garage with him. I rub my eyes with the back of my hands, tiredly.  The events of yesterday however, still cloudy the space in my brain being taken over by the nightmare I just had. I decide that it's time to get out of bed, ripping the comforter off my body to reveal I still had my clothing from last night on.  I lazily make my way to the bathroom, changing my clothes putting on jeans and a random hoodie that I had found in my dresser before exiting to go downstairs for my morning routine of my workout.

I trot down the staircase catching Niall's gaze as I open the door to the basement. "What are you doing?" He asks before I get the chance to close the door. I groan not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment.

"The same thing I do every morning." I say harshly.

"With your hands and wrist? I don't think that's a good idea."

"I don't care what you think. I'll be fine." I tell him shutting the door a little too loud. I lock the door, going down the stairs into the dark room and turning on the light. The first thing I do is go straight to the guns taking out a simple ordinary pistol and going to the shooting range in the back of the basement.  I aim at the target the heavy feeling of the gun weighing down my arm, making my head feel cloudy. The target goes in and out of focus but my mothers voice rings in my head helping the fog clear enough to shoot. 'Remember what I taught you, remember your techniques.' she says.

The gun sounds, shooting the bullet straight forward into the center of the target shaped like a half man. I let my grip slip, the gun clattering to the ground, the noise startling me once it landed.  My hands shaking I leave the scene going back upstairs, escaping the suffocating feeling. I exit the door going straight to the fridge, grabbing a water I quickly chug it down. Turning to see the boys all sitting at the table silently staring at me. Not liking the feeling I walk out of the room and into the living room placed next to it. 

I sit down on the couch, pulling my knees to my chest curling my arms around them. Feeling a sort of comforting vibe from them. I try to sink my further into the couch, knowing I cant just disappear into them like I want to. I feel a weight sit beside me but I don't look over, instead I tighten my muscles hoping it's not who I think it is.



I'm hurt by my own writing☹️

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