Chapter 60.

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Rowyn's pov:

We walk hand in hand the rest of the way home. Upon entering the house I see Louis sitting there with a sly smirk. "Don't even speak." I tell him pointing my finger at him, letting go of Harry's hand.

"Wasn't going to." He puts his hands up in the air looking at me up and down. Harry goes upstairs not paying any mind to us, taking his medicine I suppose. I sit down next to Louis on the couch, he's on his phone, a luxury that I still don't have yet for some reason. "Work everything out?"

"Nope, but we will later." I say hopefully, not wanting to jinx anything by saying it. Even though I know that most of our problems go unresolved both of us choosing not to talk about them after the fighting is over, we go along like nothing had happened.

"Reckon we will still go out?" He questions grabbing the tv remote and flipping through the channels.

"Maybe, his mood changed fairly quickly, It's possible that we may." As I'm finishing saying the sentence Harry comes trotting down the stairs, louis still flipping through the channels. He lands on the news channel as Harry gets to the bottom of the stairs louis hits a news station, a picture flashing upon the screen. A picture of the dining hall.

"Stop." Harry says as louis still flips throughout the channels. "Go back." He orders walking up closer to the tv.

The news lady begins speaking standing at the dining hall. "Hello I'm Carolina Anson and I'm here at the scene of what looks to be a very messy scene, a war between to large mafia groups that took place a few months ago. Initially the police called an end to the case not wanting to get involved between the two, that was until new evidence arose from an anonymous somebody giving tips and details about the killers and their whereabouts. I'll keep you updated." The lady disappears off the screen a commercial popping up.

"Harry, what does this mean?" I ask looking up at him, his eyebrows are furrowed and he's biting his lip in intense concentration.

"It means someone has the guts to test me and think they can get away with it. It means they think they have the guts to come after us. They won't have an guts left when I'm done with them." With that he walks out of the room. I look at louis who is sitting beside me still staring at the tv.

"Do you think we'll get caught?" I ask nervously. I'm too young to be on the run from the police, I'm too pretty to get caught too.

"Not a chance. Harry has strong motives with you. If he wasn't dead set before he most definitely is now."  I don't say anything else after that, watching the tv. The news lady comes back on and louis turns it back up. 

"The investigation is now officially open, making this the biggest case in history. I have been told the police do have a few suspects in mind which may have been involved however we will not be releasing at this time as it is classified information but as soon as it becomes public information they will be revealed." She looks behind the camera and then begins to speak again, clearing her throat. "New information just came in!" She says excitedly. "A missing girl, the daughter of one of the men that were murdered here at the scene is now being internationally cast. Police fear that she may have been kidnapped by one of the gangs that were here. Their motive is yet to be discovered. Police say if you see this girl, do not engage, instead immediately contact the police and stay far away."

My eyes widen upon seeing a picture of me up on the screen. They widen even more when her words sink in. I'm being searched for internationally. That means I'm not only being looked for in the U.S but everywhere now. I can't escape this. I look over to louis who's eyes are also widened. "Internationally..." He whispers. "I knew this wasn't a good idea. I knew you would cause trouble eventually."

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