Chapter 25.

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Rowyn's pov:

"Yes it is, that's exactly why I didn't bring you here first. You weren't supposed to see this yet but seeing as Harry seems to have failed to keep them out of his quarters, were stuck here for now." He doesn't seem to afraid of anything else happening I suppose they have a plan if anything goes terribly wrong, right?

I totally forgot about Harry while being mixed up with whatever the heck just happened. "Oh my gosh, Harry! What if something bad happened to him!" Overreacting, my specialty.

"Relax, I'm sure he's fine. It's Harry he always makes it out."

"He got shot last time something happened you expect me to believe everything will be fine?"

"I didn't say he doesn't get hurt I said I'm sure he's fine." He sasses back at me. Louis sure does give me a run for my money with the sassing thing.

"Getting shot isn't 'fine', Louis!" I yell back at him. Sometimes he's unbelievable.

"You need to calm down and worry about ourselves. somehow they knew we would be in Harry's office. We need to figure out how." He says his words slowly. Thinking of possible endings and theories of how this could have happened "I don't think anyone is dumb enough to betray Harry while still being part of it." He huffs looking at the tools laying all over the floor around the middle chair. "And I told Harry to make sure he cleaned up the mess because I didn't want to deal with it."

"Harry did this?" My mouth dropped open I knew mafia was bad but there is blood everywhere on the floor by the chair. I almost feel bad for that person but they've probably done worse.

"Yep, from one of the seekers got caught. We didn't get much information out of them but we couldn't keep him here."

"What's a seeker?" I ask confused. This isn't a child's game.

"A seeker is the people we send out to find information or sneak around to listen in."

"Who was that seeker from?" What if they were from pink roses and that's how they found out.

"We aren't sure. Like I said we didn't get much information out of him."

"Do you think it was the pink roses?" I voice my thoughts to him.

Louis stands still for a second debating on his thoughts. "Could have been or from malefic."

"Malefic?" Who is malefic and why am I just hearing about them now?

"Remember how we told you you're father is part of the mafia and you didn't believe us?"

"Yeah......" I answer him trailing off slowly. I'm not sure if I want to hear the rest. I love my father. I don't want to ruin his memory.

"Well your father is the leader or king of malefic."

"So he's not only part of the mafia but he's their leader too." I ask trying to get my facts straight.

"I know it's hard to believe but your father has done some very bad things some even unexplainable, just like Harry has."

"Do you think he knows who took me?" I'm not so sure

"Oh he definitely knows. Harry left a note saying it was him. Part of a rivalry they've had for years now."

"Why's that? What happened between them?"

"A lot of things. The starting was when he burnt his house down."

"I thought that was the pink roses." Now I'm confused I thought it was the pink roses who burnt down Harry's house? What's malefic have to do with any of them?

"It was, your father was part of the pink roses but he felt as he needed more so he had his mate William take over the pink roses and he had split off into malefic."

"William is the leader of pink roses?" Oh my gosh I never thought William would have been the leader of the pink roses. I knew he was involved since I over heard them that night but never thought he could have been a leader of a mafia group.

"Shocking innit." He says and I agree it definitely is.

"So since they are working together that means my father probably has my location."

"Not necessarily we killed the men who saw you here. We have multiple bases you could be at any of them." Louis got a point there he did kill them and I shot one of them.

"What number is this?"

"This is base 6" He walks over to one of the clean chairs and sits down. He motions for me to follow but I can't get myself to sit. Even though its clean so many people have probably died in those seats.

"How many do you have?" How rich can the mafia be? I'm not expecting as rich as Louis makes it seem like.

"12. Harry thought it was the best idea to keep bases all over so we could access one as quick as possible in need." Apparently the answer is rich not only rich but very very wealthy. They must have some good business going through.

"Where are the other bases at?"

"You'll see in do time." Louis tells me. I don't know if I want to see them or not because that would mean something bad would happen although I am curious.

"How long do you think it will take for this to be over with?" I just need to make sure everyone is okay. This is all because of me after all but then again non of it would have happened if they wouldn't have kidnapped me in the first place.

"I have no clue. Without being down there to see for myself it could be a few hours or a few days."

"I'm sorry you have to stay with me." I apologize to him. He could be out helping his gang instead of keeping me safe. Although he kind of is helping by keeping me safe. I am part of their plan.

"That's okay. Although I'd love to be down there it could be worse. You could be annoying."

"So you're saying you like me!" I grin widely at him and he laughs back at me.

"No, I'm saying I can tolerate you." He laughs louder as my face lightly falters but it quickly changes back and I'm laughing once more.

"Fine" I smile at him laughing so harshly my stomach begins to ache.

The door begins to make sound and the blocks start shifting. I gasp as two figures come into view stumbling in.



Another update came quickly!! Yayyyyyy!
I hope you guys like it and hopefully another chapter will be updated soon. Prepare yourselves!😈

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