Chapter 75.

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Rowyn pov:

The rest of the group sat watching both Harry and Liam's expressions drop, but they could not see the package themselves. "Thats not a package." Liam states slamming the door shut. "We've got to get out of here." Liam doesnt know why he's reacting like this, maybe its the fact that its not only his life in danger this time but others too. Maybe he's gotten a little more attached to the company of her than he would have liked too.

They took immediate action, well, most of them....Rowyn, she froze. Her mind was telling her to move, the sweat on her hands, the newfound shakiness in her knees, but her mind wouldn't allow her to do so. She stood still, her vision blurry, the tunnel vision kicking in. Maybe this was the end for her, the way of fate fixing her wrongs, their wrongs.

"Rowyn, come on." Louis takes a hold on her forearm. "I was right, LSD isnt used for fun, its used to take someone out, slowly. They dont want slow anymore." He finishes his sentence when they reach the others at the side of the room, by the window.

"There isnt much to discuss right now, considering our limited time....literally. So it's either jump or die." Niall smiles as he says it. It shouldn't be comforting but it is.

"I'm out." Zayn says taking the drawer out of the nightstand and busting the glass. Rowyn peaks over the side of the building, seeing Zayn in the garbage below them. Niall giggles turning to the side and shoving liam out. Liam's higher pitched screams are heard on the way down as Niall takes the jump right after pushing him. Louis looked between the 3 left and then stepped back a bit.

I've never been too terribly afraid of heights but when you mix in the bomb with a timer, thats different. My eyes widen as I see where the others had landed in the garbage bin bellow. Carter must notice the distress because she sets what is supposed to be a comforting hand on my shoulder. "We've practiced this before, you've always been better at this than I ever was." She lets her arm brush down to my hand. "You go after me." I nod in response, I can do this, I tell myself confidentially.

Carter takes a step back and leaps out of the window canon ball style. I can hear her gag from inside, I want to laugh but I cant bring myself to do so. I look over to Harry who is already staring at me. I step forward but then back again. There are other people in this building, probably children too. "Harry, I cant go. I cant leave knowing everyone else is going to die."

"We don't have time for this, Rowyn if there was another way I would do it for you." He says grabbing my hand and kissing the top of it.

I look to my side, where Louis stands. "There has to be another way." I beg him for something I know he can't change.

"Rowyn, we'll jump'll be okay." Harry bargains. I can't do this. I can't leave. I shake my head at him.

Louis gives Harry a nod and Harry gives Louis one back. "Rowyn we need to go." Louis says but his voice cracks a little.

In one smooth movement I see Harry coming at me. Before I can move he's picking me up and jumping out the window, taking me down with him.

I scream on the way down. When we hit the soft bags  of garbage a tears leave my eyes, I left them there to die. "Harry" I cry into the nape of his neck. "They were innocent."

He leans his head into the nape of my neck, whispering comforting things into my ear while rubbing my side.

Niall speaks. "Rowyn, we don't have time." He speaks honestly.

"Where's Louis?" Zayn asks from the corner of the bin. I unclench my eyes, seeing spots from how hard I had shut them. My eyes burn at the light that seeps into my eyes when I do finally open them once more. Everyone pauses as we hear the awful sounds of the burning rubber off of car tires. I stand up looking over the side of the bin. My knee's feel weak, I hope I'm not seeing what I think I am.

I us the handle of the large bin to jump out of it. With the car zooming past us I run after it but I'm no where near fast enough to catch it. The car disappears over a small hill but I still chase it, knowing it would be too late anyways. The loud noises of running footsteps chase after me, and the car.

There's a pain in my chest, an ache in my heart. My breathe is heavy, heart racing faster than it ever has before. I wish my feet would carry me faster. This isn't what I wanted; this isnt what I meant. My eyes burn with the tears that wont come out. I hear a large splash coming from ahead as I reach the top of the hill.

My knee's finally give out and I fall to the ground in a fetal position. A loud, echoing, bang rings in my ears. The noise leaves a ring in my ears. I'm pushed back by the blast, scraping my body across the pavement road. I let out a painful wail, my voice cracking. I lift my head, eyes meeting the others. We were too late. It's over, it's gone, but so is he. I crawl over to the edge staring into the water at the car parts floating on top and the debris left behind.

As I'm peering over I feel my pocket buzz. I sit up because I dont have anything on me that could buzz. I move my hand down to my back pocket.....I have a phone. I should be worried about why I have it but I'm more distracted about the unknown number that left a voice message.

My shaky hands press play, putting it on speaker for everyone else to hear as well. They all stare at the device in my hand. As I click play, a voice comes begins to was him.

I couldn't do it anymore, the running away and leaving everyone else in harms way while we get out safely with nothing but a couple of bruises and cuts. His voice is shaky, his loud breathing takes over, He must have been running. I dont even know if this will work or not, the blast might get me before I can even make it into the water, what a failure that would be. He laughs. It makes my stomach sick. If I do make it there is no way I could ever survive this but at least I'd be a hero for once in my life. Maybe you should take some notes boys....We all knew that at one point someone would break, skip out on the rest of us and end the cycle that we were all stuck in. In all honesty I kind of thought it would have been Zayn that finally got away from this life. I think that we kept telling ourselves that we were doing good things behind the scenes and that was enough to make us believe it but we did more damage than helping. I move to look at the others, their heads down staring at the ground as a distraction while listening to louis talk. Finish what we started boys. Rowyn, you did good love. I'll see you all in the afterlife, wherever that may be. I see the ocean now, peace out guys.

There's a loud crashing noise comes through the speaker, the sound of rushing water and heavy breathing following the noise. I sit in shock when the explosion rings out over the phone, hearing it once more. I bite my lip until blood trickles out of it, leaking onto my top lip. The phone buzzes and the voicemail ends.

I stand up from the ground, tears built up in my eyes. I hadn't known louis for a long time, but while I did he made me feel safe. He welcomed me in and helped me when I really needed it, he saved me from a worse fate. Now I was standing here, in the place he had died to save us all, including the innocent lives in that building.

However, it isnt over, I'm going to finish what we had started together, and I'm going to do it in remembrance of louis legacy.



I cried while writing this.

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